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Topsy turvy 2 movie review: A tsunami of colorful emotions

Topsy turvy 2 movie review: A tsunami of colorful emotions

Riley (the voice of Ludivine Reding in the French version dubbed in Quebec) is now a teenager eager to please her new friends. And new emotions make the arrival triumphant.

That's it, Riley is going through puberty. This means that the five emotions of the 2015 feature film, Joy (voice of Charlotte Le Bon), Sadness (voice of Sonia Vachon), Fear (voice of Xavier Dolan), Anger (voice of Rial Bossuet) and Disgust (voice of Edith Cochrane), must To give up their place. Anxiety (voice of Lorien S. Thibodeau) – who has a bit of Emma Stone's quick vibe – arrives at the command center, accompanied by Envy (voice of Emma Bao Linh), Inoue (voice of Adele Exarchopoulos, absolutely perfect with a scathing insouciance). and Jane (voice of Paul Walter Hauser in the original version).

New and original characters from the animated film “Topsy-Turvy 2”.

Image courtesy of Disney/Pixar

It quickly becomes a mess, as the concern has the intention of changing Riley's personality to allow her to join a new group of friends in which Val (voice of Leah Roy) is the main character. Because the athletic teen participates in a hockey camp and learns, at the same time, that his two best friends Bree (voice of Somaya Noureddine Green in the original) and Grace (voice of Grace Lu) will not be attending the same high school as her. 'she.

It is seen as a (simplified) way to reduce psychological disorders that occur in adolescence, Upside down 2 is a bonfire of jokes and winks – the pixelated video game character who can only move in four directions is a little gem, as is the arrival of Pouchy, taken from the TV show that Riley, the Kid, or Nostalgia, which is worth its weight in gold.

Despite all his qualities, including rhythm and good humour, Upside down 2 It has neither gravity nor depth spirit (Unfortunately, no one noticed it due to the epidemic), nor was A. emotional there, which just celebrated its 15th anniversary. But it doesn't matter, it doesn't stop you from having a good time… especially with Ennui's verses in French!

Rating: 3.5 out of 5

Upside down 2 Color cinema screens starting June 14.