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▷ Press Release: Economist Glass Ceiling Schedule 2021 – Germany Slipping …

▷ Press Release: Economist Glass Ceiling Schedule 2021 – Germany Slipping …

05.03.2021 – 09:33


Press Release: The Economist Glass Ceiling Table 2021 - Germany Ranks 22nd

Scandinavia best place to work as a woman, glass ceiling index 2021 shows Economist

- Deutschland belegt Rang 22 und rutscht damit zwei Ränge tiefer als noch 2020. Die Bundesrepublik liegt damit unter dem OECD-Durschnitt. Deutsche Frauen haben nur 29 Prozent der Führungspositionen inne und machen nur ein Viertel der Sitze in Vorständen aus
- Amerika und Großbritannien liegen ebenfalls unter dem OECD-Durchschnitt, obwohl beide Länder bzgl. Frauen in Führungspositionen relativ gut abschneiden
- Der jährliche Index, der Teil einer breiteren Initiative der Economist Group zum Internationalen Frauentag ist, zeigt, dass Frauen in den meisten OECD-Ländern nur langsam an die Spitze von Unternehmen gelangen 

London, United Kingdom – March 4, 2021 – On the eve of International Women’s Day, The Glass Ceiling Table (GCI) Van The EconomistWomen in leadership positions are still lagging behind their male counterparts, with an average of only one-third of managers in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). GCI is an annual assessment that often shows that women in OECD countries, the richest group of countries, have the best and worst opportunities for equal treatment in the workplace.

The GCI ranks 29 OECD countries, combining data on higher education, labor participation, wages, childcare costs, maternity and paternal rights, business school applications and leadership positions. This shows that Sweden is the best place to work as a woman, followed by the Nordic neighbors Iceland, Finland and Norway. The Nordic countries are especially ideal for women to complete their studies, secure jobs, access management positions and use a good parental leave system and flexible working hours.

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For the ninth time in a row, South Korea is below the index, not far behind Japan and Turkey. Social norms in Asia require women to choose between family and occupation.

According to the given analysis This year the GCI Covered, there is progress in the United States, where 41 percent of managers and 28 percent of team members are women, which is above the OECD average. Among other things, women have held CEO positions over the past year at popular American companies such as Citigroup, UPS, Walgreens and DIAA.

More highlights of the glass ceiling index 2021 Economist:

- Die USA sind im Vergleich zum letzten Jahr auf dem Index um vier Plätze nach oben gerückt. Obwohl der Anteil von Frauen in Führungspositionen und Aufsichtsräten überdurchschnittlich hoch ist, bleiben sie insgesamt unter dem OECD-Durchschnitt und haben keinen staatlich verordneten bezahlten Elternurlaub
- Großbritannien verbesserte sich in diesem Jahr um drei Plätze auf dem Index; der Anteil von Frauen in Führungspositionen liegt bei etwa einem Drittel
- Deutschland ist in der Rangliste seit dem letzten Jahr auf Platz 22 abgerutscht. Deutsche Frauen haben nur 29 Prozent der Führungspositionen inne und machen ein Viertel der Sitze in den Vorständen aus
- Frankreich rangiert im GCI wie schon im letzten Jahr auf Platz 5. Frankreich belegt hinter Island den zweiten Platz für den höchsten Anteil von Frauen in Unternehmensvorständen 

This is the ninth year Economist Released its glass ceiling code. When it was introduced in 2013 it had five indicators and 26 countries; Today it contains ten indicators including maternity and maternity leave and evaluates 29 OECD countries.

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The glass ceiling table is part of a new rug “Women all over the world”, The Economist On the eve of International Women’s Day. The center sits in front of Paul and highlights some of the best statements Economist About the lives of women around the world – from inspiring stories to political and economic injustices around the world.

The center is supported by the content marketing campaign “Press Forward”, which aims to attract new audiences. Economist About women, it highlights equality, inclusion, diversity and cross-cutting. “Economist Is uniquely positioned to cover up the struggle for equality for women around the world. On International Women’s Day, in addition to the glass ceiling code, we highlight women who have broken glass ceilings and show where there is still room for improvement, ”said Kim Miller, Global Economic Officer, The Economist Group.

The marketing campaign, entitled “Celebrating Women Pressing Forward”, aims to attract new and familiar audiences. Economist About women, it highlights equality, inclusion, diversity and cross-cutting. A graphic was created for the campaign to show women with different hairstyles to represent the idea of ​​coming together around the world. The depicted face connects with the speech bubble to indicate the presence of female voices. The graphic was created by one of the graphic designers Economist Designed.

To see the full interactive glass ceiling code, please visit Center for Economics with International Women’s Day Content.

Der Glass Ceiling Index 2021

Best and Worst OECD Countries for Working Women:

1. Sweden

2. The island

3. Finland

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4. Norway

5. France

6. Denmark

7. Portugal

8. Belgium

9. New Zealand

10. Poland

11. Canada

12. Slovakia

13. Italy

14. Hungary

15. Spain

16. Australia

17. Austria


18. USA

19. Israel

20. Great Britain

21. Ireland

22. Germany

23. Czech Republic

24. Netherlands

25. Greece

26. Switzerland

27. Turkey

28. Japan

29. South Korea

For more information or an interview with journalists Economist For glass ceiling code please contact:

Friedrich Sajdak | PLÜCOM

Phone. +49 (0) 40 790 21 89-88 | Email: [email protected]

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