10/05/22 – Workshops outside the walls “New ways of working” Espace Saint Jacques, October 13, 2022, Bonifacio.

10/05/22 – Workshops outside the walls “New ways of working” Friday 14 October, 00:00 Espace Saint Jacques

National Architecture Days

Espace Saint Jacques 12 Place de l’Europe Bonifacio Bonifacio 20169 Corse-du-Sud Corsica

public meeting

Wednesday 05 October 2022 at 6 pm in Bonifacio

a program

an introduction

  • Elected City Officials Speech
  • Submitted by Michel Barbie, President of the Maison de l’Architecture de Corse
  • Presentation by educators Claude Puaud and Pascal Juan on the system and the challenges for the workshops outside the walls, Small Towns of Tomorrow, Corsica
  • Group presentation to all students: “A new way of doing things – immersion in an intersecting and common area”

Presentation by master students of the work performed on the territory of Bonifacio:

  • Diagnostic Summary
  • Urban project – method of guide plan with presentation of all projects illustrating the dissemination of urban dynamics and landscape implemented
  • Focus on 4 projects:
  • • The Senora Region (Bonifacio Inner Harbor) by Lorraine Morenval
  • • Tra Mare e Piali (Study of a Department of the Navy) by Marine PAVAGEAU
  • • La Maison des Arts (a place dedicated to the transmission of Bonifacian culture) by Aline SEGONS
  • • (Re) Gilles (Rehabilitation of the French Barracks) by Wendy Durand

Presentation of the displayed and printed models produced at Ateliers Hors les Murs Petites Villes de Demain Corse.

Debates and Exchanges with the Audience: Residents of the Territory and Actors

Closing remarks from the mayor

Ateliers Hors les Murs consists of mobilizing teams of architecture students who immerse themselves in an area for a week in order to develop a diagnosis and produce development guidance on the topic of revitalizing city centres.

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These workshops are a new way of working, both at the intersection and across generations.
It allows in a very short time to approach architectural projects that will allow the residents of the region and the actors of the region to define their requests. Detection of the existing and appropriate host region.

In March 2022, 28 Master of Architecture students from ENSA Nantes, as well as 3 students from PAOLITECH spent a week immersed in three areas of “Small Cities of Tomorrow”: L’Ile Rousse, Portivechju and Bonifacio.
They have conducted reflection on these municipalities by creating a diagnosis, detecting problems and suggesting directions for revitalization and enhancement through architectural, urban and landscape projects.

From March to June, students prepared their end-of-study projects, which included areas regularly in order to foster fruitful exchanges.

In October 2022, ENSA Nantes students and their teachers returned to the territory of Corsica in order to present their works and projects they imagined to the actors of the regions and the population, with plans and models.
During their stay, public meetings will be organized in Bastia, Bonifacio, Porticjo and Le Ross. It will spark discussions in order to open everyone’s eyes and then allow customers to direct their thoughts.

Start and end dates and times (year – month – day – hour):
2022-10-14T00:00:00 + 02:00
2022-10-14T23: 59:00 + 02:00