The new moon in Capricorn, scheduled for December 23, coincides with the end of the retrograde of the asteroid Chiron. An opportunity for some zodiac signs to make a fresh start with more wisdom. Find out if you are one of the signs in the spotlight!

The year 2023 is coming to an end soon And there is nothing like a new moon to start a new chapter in your life. This promises to air from Friday, December 23 at 11:16 a.m., transmuted energy into the starry sky. For its part, the asteroid Chiron will bring more clarity and clarity to some astronomical signs.

What signs of the zodiac will be lucky as of December 23rd?

People of three astrological signs will be able to make new decisions from December 23rd. Three of them will have the opportunity to turn the page on the past, to move forward on the path of success and fulfillment.

the Bull

Wonderful period Taurus

the Bull. Source: spm

Taurus is the first sign affected by the energy of Capricorn and the end of the asteroid Chiron retrograde. In fact, This earth sign will see a huge improvement in their finances from December 23rd. With additional cash flows in the form of annual bonuses or bonuses, he will be able to maintain a balanced budget in the long run. Thus, Chiron, a symbol of wisdom and creativity, will bring good ideas to Taurus to invest his money. Real estate transactions will be especially fruitful during this period. At work, Taurus will be able to perform unprecedented actions that will be beneficial for both the company and their career. His many efforts are likely to attract the attention of his superiors and clients. It will be heavily rewarded before the end of the year. He could be offered a new position with new powers and greater responsibilities. However, this workaholic will have to devote more time to his family while maintaining a balance between private life and professional life. This will avoid stressful problems that he has to manage on a daily basis and tasks that need to be done in haste.

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Capricorn is a wonderful period

Capricorn. Source: spm

Capricorn should also expect to live profound changes in his lifeWhether at work or in relationships. With the new moon in his sign on December 23rd, he will have all the skills to achieve his goals and move forward in his career. He will allow himself to be carried away by his great ambition to accomplish a great project, and Venus will also be in favor of appeasement. If he manages to get rid of old grudges, Capricorn will be able to restore communication with some colleagues and enlist the support of influential people. His close entourage will also be tolerant and understanding in all circumstances. This period will also be an opportunity to break the routine and take a little vacation. The main thing is to experience moments of family sharing in joy and good humor. In terms of heart, Capricorn will be attentive to his partner’s needs. He will be able to talk to him and share his project ideas with him in an atmosphere of trust and transparency.


Wonderful fish period

Pisces is also one of them Signs in the spotlight during the new moon in Capricorn. Thus, this zodiac sign will be able to start a harmonious period, both in his professional and personal life. The asteroid Chiron will increase its creativity tenfold to re-launch some projects in progress. Thus he will have all the inspiration he needs to prioritize and target the best actions for the future. Although he faced some financial difficulties, Pisces will take advantage of the end of this year to take action to improve and achieve profits for the year 2023. In doing so, he will be able to congratulate himself on the progress made this year and reflect on new sources of motivation. This water sign will be able to find a new hobby that will guarantee him additional income. One thing is for sure, Pisces will be well surrounded this year. Thus, the year-end festivities will be an opportunity to re-establish dialogue with certain people in his family circle and resolve a long-standing conflict.

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