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5 business news to remember this Friday morning (Parliament, UK, Germany, Taiwan, Alstom)

5 business news to remember this Friday morning (Parliament, UK, Germany, Taiwan, Alstom)

Exclusive – The Republican front threatens an absolute majority of the national convention

According to the Elebe census La Tribune Sunday And BFMTV/RMC, the RN and its allies will have between 200 and 230 seats in the future National Assembly. Leftists will win between 165 and 190 and Macronists will save between 120 and 140. Under these conditions, it is difficult to find a clear majority to form a government.

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“Political tsunami” in UK: landslide victory for Labor, hard-right sweeps into parliament

Labor won a landslide victory in the UK general election on Thursday, ending 14 years of Conservative rule. A symbol of the hard right, the anti-immigration party “Reform UK” has many elected to parliament, including Nigel Farage.

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Germany: After tough negotiations, Olaf Scholes seals a deal on the 2025 budget

According to the first element of the agreement, the German chancellor backed his finance minister's demands, particularly for greater fiscal austerity on the country's debt ceiling.

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China has not eased pressure on Taiwan, 36 military planes have been found

Taiwan announced on Friday that it had detected six warships and 36 Chinese military aircraft, including 35. “Crossed the mean line of the Taiwan Strait” Over 24 hours.

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Ile-de-France Mobilités orders 28 new tram trains from Alstom

The Ile-de-France Mobilités transport authority has ordered 28 additional tramway trains from railway manufacturer Alstom for €89 million. The stated objective is to reduce congestion on the T1 line connecting Asnieres to Noisy-le-Sec.

See also  In Australia, two workers discovered a giant moth at school

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