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The UK has been hit by a gas shortage and the government is trying to reassure

The UK has been hit by a gas shortage and the government is trying to reassure

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Petrol stations run by Britain’s PP and its US rival ExxonMobil have been closed amid supply problems due to a shortage of truck drivers in the UK due to fuel shortages.

With Brexit And this Govit-19, The shortage is increasing England. They have now been extended to fuels. Supply difficulties that add up to the consequences of a shortage of truck drivers. Faced with concerns over the situation, the British government sought to reassure its population on Friday, September 24.

Of the approximately 1,200 service stations operated by BP in the UK, Transport Minister Grant Shops told Sky News on Thursday that “five had to be closed”, insisting that no other retailer had been closed.

The US company ExxonMobil, the owner of Eso stations, said on Thursday that “a small number” of the 200 stations in Tesco supermarkets were affected by the problem.

The minister urged motorists to “act as usual” and not to make massive purchases under the influence of panic, which would make the situation worse.

The Roadhole Association (RHA) estimates that the UK needs about 100,000 truck drivers, a shortage that has created increasing supply problems in recent weeks, including in supermarkets.

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The minister said the epidemic was the “main cause” of the problem affecting other countries, resulting in the closure of several months of training centers for new drivers. Added to this are the “long-term problems,” he continued, stressing that “this is hard and unpaid work so far”.

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He appealed for higher salaries and improved working conditions in the sector to attract more candidates.

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The epidemic has prompted many truck drivers, mostly foreigners, to return to their home countries, and Brexit has made it difficult for new drivers to come from the EU due to more complex immigration systems.

According to the Minister of Transport, it is “wrong” for people to say that the UK’s exit from the European Union was the cause of the problems. “Brexit has actually provided a part of the solution,” he argued.

“Thanks to Brexit, I was able to change the law and change the way driving tests work. If we were still part of the EU I would not be able to,” Grand Shops said.

Labor MP David Lamy has warned that government employees will face a “winter of discontent” due to a lack of materials and skills.

With AFP