Awani Review

Complete News World

F.-A.-Gauthier withdrew from duty on Sunday

F.-A.-Gauthier withdrew from duty on Sunday

The ship will make its last crossings on Saturday 2 October and will be replaced by the relief ship Saaremaa on Sunday.

The STQ He said he wanted to work on correcting an oil leak on one of the ship’s thrusters.

The ship will depart Matane on October 8 and will make a mandatory technical stop in Quebec before entering the dry dock on October 27.

Such as STQThe ship should return to service in December.

Once again, the outgoing Mayor of Baie Como, Yves Montaigne, expresses his indignation.

Like all the citizens of Matane, Bay Como, Goodbot, Cote Nord, in fact, they are tired of putting on the ferry. There are not only mechanical failures, but also labor shortages. Really, that’s the total, refers to the mayor.

The mayor of Bay-Como speaks in front of several reporters' microphones.

Bay Como Mayor Yves Montaigne.

Photo: Radio Canada / Benoit Jobin

Hopefully this dry dock place is the right and last place!, continued.

For his part, René-Lévesque member and parliamentary leader of the Parti Québécois party, Martin Ouellet, said it was time for STQ He finds a spare boat in F.-A.-Gauthier.

In the end we would still pay for the boat for repairs and I was told that this boat wouldn’t be able to fulfill all the years it was guaranteed to us. Like my colleague Pascal Biroby, I think the time has come STQGo back to the drawing board and find a long-lasting alternative. It will remain an endless hole for public moneyasks the local deputy.

The STQ No interview will be conducted on this topic at this time.

With information from Zoé Bellehumeur