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‘Secret Classified’: New original series on addikTV

‘Secret Classified’: New original series on addikTV

addikTV channel that will unveil the psychological thriller Trapped On October 21, she will appear again with another original Quebec series in Spring 2022: classified secret, a suspenseful spy whose main titles will be Melissa Desormo Pauline and Patrick Lappé.

This new project in 10 one-hour episodes, signed by François Paget (Author after, after And Trapped) and Michel d’Astous, produced by Duo Productions in collaboration with Quebecor Content and directed by Stéphane Baudouin (blue hourAnd Albert AmberAnd Chaos) in the world of secret agents.

Lies, threats, manipulation, and disinformation will jostle in the plot, as married couple Rachel Miller (Desormo-Paulin) and Emile Darcy (Labi), intelligence specialists, work for the Security Services Canada (SSC). When a shooting broke out near the US Consulate, the duo realized that the SSC had been hacked by a “mole” in the CIA payroll. Rachel and Emil will be responsible for solving the mystery of the instigator of the shooting and will be assigned important missions.

We promise twists and turns in every episode, on bits of puzzles that come together and clues that pile up, against a backdrop of political and social tensions. Lives will be threatened, certainties will be shaken, loyalties will be tested, to the point of collapse.

Paul Ahmarani, Andreas Abergés, Gabriel Arcand, Madeleine Peloquin, Gabriel Lemer, Genevieve Boivin-Rossi, Karim Borara, Catherine Buschmin, Bobby Chechro, Sophia Blondin, Rose Mighty Erkorica, Nicolas Masri, Hubert Prolixud, Suzy others, will also be in distribution.

filming classified secret Currently under implementation.