For Chrome on Android, Google announced in May a beta feature to allow users to follow the latest content from their favorite sites. It is based on the open web RSS standard used by the defunct Google Reader news feed.
This feature is still experimental, and it is growing with its presence in the flags of the current stable version of Google Chrome for Android. Science chrome://flags/#web-feed It is activated.
If necessary, the Site Monitor button will likely appear in the browser’s three-dot menu. In a new tab, the contents of the monitored sites are grouped in the form of maps taking into account the corresponding URL of the RSS feed.
Starting today, we’re experimenting with stable Chrome with the Next feature. You can choose websites to follow, and their RSS updates will appear on Chrome’s new tab page. We’ve been working on this for a while now and I’m really excited to hear what people think?
– Adrienne P? rter Felt (__apf__) October 8, 2021
Experimental functionality is not always satisfactory depending on the sites. Moreover, it is not a complete RSS reader. It is planned to be implemented with Chrome for iOS, as well as Google Chrome on computers, but at a later time.
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