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FTQ concerned about new measures in terms of isolation

FTQ concerned about new measures in terms of isolation

The Federation of Quebec Workers (FTQ) is reacting with concern to the announcement by the Minister of Health and Social Services, Christian Dube, to halve the duration of isolation for people infected with COVID-19.

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“This is news that worries us especially when we know that workplaces are the places where we count the highest levels of pollution,” said Daniel Boyer, president of the FTQ.

Under the new guidance, a worker infected with the COVID-19 virus will have to return to his workplace after just five days of isolation. For health care workers who handle patients, it takes seven days.

“It is clear to the FTQ that it is essential to prevent disruptions to service in the health sector, but this new measure appears particularly risky to us,” added Daniel Boyer.

Workers who come into contact with co-workers who carry COVID-19 on a daily basis will be more vulnerable to the virus, as will patients who will be treated by them.

In this context, we must remember the importance of wearing an N95 mask that filters 95% of particles, as opposed to 50% for a procedure mask.

For the president, there are still many unanswered questions. For example, he wonders if infected people will work with uninfected people.

La FTQ interpelle donc le gouvernement afin qu’il clarifie les consignes concernant cette nouvelle mesure dans tous les autres secteurs d’activité, car il revient aux employeurs lie d’assurer un respect rigoureux des mesures pours maximum sanitux de airesau a job.

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“Employers must also ensure that they provide appropriate personal protective equipment for all of their employees,” he recalls.