WhatsApp will soon get a new design on Windows 11. The beta version of the app, available since last November, is already showing some signs of change, which are closer to the modernity brought about by the operating system. The buttons are noticeably rounder and we notice the presence of drop-down menus.
Available on Microsoft Store since 2018WhatsApp never happened Far from its Android and iOS counterparts. The app simply takes over the features available on smartphones, as well as adding two-factor authentication to ensure user account security. This in itself is not surprising, given that the desktop version is based on Electron, a development platform that allows one or another to adapt web applications on a PC.
But that is about to change soon. A FireCube leaker already claims on Twitter that WhatsApp Desktop has just abandoned Electron in favor of WinUI 2.6. A decision follows the decision to switch to Universal Windows Platform (UWP) during development New beta version of the appAnd Available on the Microsoft Store since November 2021. Changes are coming today, starting with the design.
WhatsApp on PC adopts Windows 11 design elements
As of today, it is possible to see that WhatsApp is taking over many elements of Fluent Design that Windows 11 introduced. Buttons are now more rounded, while drop-down menus inspired by those in the operating system appear. On the other hand, it should be noted that the work is not finished yet. Some items have not been modified yet and they indicate the novelty of Windows 11.
On the same topic: WhatsApp adds audio and video calls to its PC app for all users
But it makes perfect sense, as the app is still in the beta stage. Also note that it’s also available on Windows 10. To take advantage of it, you’ll need to join Cross-device beta from your smartphone. We explain how to do this in detail in This article. As for the final launch, WhatsApp has yet to announce an exact date at this time. So patience.
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