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New Zealand: Changes in the rules for importing horses from Australia

New Zealand: Changes in the rules for importing horses from Australia

The incidence of the Oz mosquito virus or Japanese encephalitis is increasing in Australia. To prevent the spread, New Zealand has decided to tighten the conditions for importing horses from its neighbor.

Many casesJapanese encephalitis Confirmed in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and South Australia, Media1 News reports. Several cases of this virus have been identified in pigs.
The New Zealand Biological Safety Program is closely monitoring the situation but says Risk of importing the virus The territory is weak Because the country does not import live pigs from Australia. There are still conditions for importing animals to New Zealand Subject to review, So that the country does not lose its international animal health status. There is New Zealand Record for the absence of Japanese encephalitis In its territory.

New import conditions

Instructions have been issued to horse importers regarding Daily health checkup requiredAnd advised horse veterinarians on testing for the virus and reporting suspected cases of Japanese encephalitis to Biosecurity New Zealand. Dr. Mary Van Andal, Chief Veterinarian of the Ministry of Primary Industries, explains.
No horse located One hundred kilometers radius from the active focus Is now in Australia Export ban To New Zealand. Biosecurity New Zealand refers to horses coming from the affected area Can move, Then isolated to go to New Zealand.

All horses imported from Australia should be monitored daily for twenty-one days, and if there are any symptoms, they should all be reported to the Survival Program. “It simply came to our notice then Vaccine for horses Japanese encephalitis has now been introduced. Vaccine against this virus Available in New Zealand.

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Japanese encephalitis

Japanese encephalitis a Flavivirus is a member of the same family of dengue viruses, Yellow fever and West Nile virus, spread by mosquitoes. Major outbreaks of Japanese encephalitis occur every two to fifteen years. The The spread intensifies during the rainy season During this time the number of mosquitoes carrying the virus increases. Less than 1% of people with meningitis have symptoms, however The mortality rate of those with symptoms can be as high as 30%.

Virus a Wide range of animals But does not spread directly between them; not him Mosquitoes only move between bodies. For this reason, horses are in New Zealand. ” Stupid Hosts Because they cannot transmit Japanese encephalitis directly to other horses. There are vaccines to prevent this virus.

The New Zealand Ministry of Health says Biosecurity is working with New Zealand to find ways for the virus to enter New Zealand.