The WhatsApp announced Wednesday which will implement some improvements to voice messages in the coming weeks, including the ability to listen to a message while reading other chats and read messages at 1.5 or 2 times the speed (yes, please upgrade this feature Everywhere).
The experience of saving messages is also improved. WhatsApp now lets you pause and resume recording, so you don’t have to leave a long silence if you’re thinking about what to say next, or re-record if you need to have a quick conversation in real life. You’ll also be able to listen to a message before sending it to make sure you don’t accidentally cut it out or include something you don’t want.
There is also a slight aesthetic improvement. Instead of just using a font to show your voicemail playback progress, WhatsApp will now use a waveform for the actual message. Additionally, WhatsApp can remember where you were when you paused playback and let you resume playback from that point so you don’t have to listen to a full message again.
These improvements are likely to be widely used: WhatsApp says users send an average of 7 billion voice conversations. day. Alors que certaines fonctionnalités similaires étaient déjà disponibles dans d’autres applications (Telegram, par exemple, vous a permis d’écouter des messages en dehors des chats pendant un certain temps), il est vraiment bon de voirer la version de WhatsApp att be careful.
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