The next generation of WiFi should be a real little revolution. WiFi 7 should already reach a data transfer speed of around 40 Gbps. Something to revolutionize all network infrastructures that we know. And that could happen as early as next summer.
While WiFi 6E is still developing, WiFi 7 is slowly getting ready and manufacturers are definitely getting close to launching this new wireless network. Qualcomm, for example, just introduced New WiFi 7 chipset at 33Gbps. While engineers working on WiFi 7 have already developed A system that detects motion using radio waveswhich can reveal especially cases of falls in the elderly.
Big companies like Qualcomm and MediaTek have been working on WiFi 7 for a long time, work has come a long way, and the new WiFi standard could debut in 2023 on some devices like routers and smartphones. This move to WiFi 7 should dramatically change the world of wireless connectivity, especially because this new WiFi network offers data transfer speeds like never before.
According to the current development trend, next summer WiFi 7 will be really operational. And maybe everyone will be able to use this new WiFi. There will be a real revolution after that, because WiFi 7 will bring with it some very cool features.
WiFi 7 should go live from summer 2023, big changes are on the way
For example, WiFi 7 should provide a data transfer speed of 40 Gbps. Which is very huge. To note this and give an idea of the thing, it’s more than four times the speed of a standard USB 3.1 port. This is also nearly the maximum speed of a Thunderbolt 3 cable, but without any wires.
WiFi 7 will also be able to accommodate more users to connect. The single channel of WiFi 7 will be able to accommodate more than 500 individual users. A big step forward when we know that the speed of our current WiFI networks drops dramatically when many users connect to the network.
All these features of WiFi 7 should revolutionize our network facilities. Thus, applications associated with the metaverse, artificial intelligence, or consumer virtual reality groups can greatly benefit from it. Ongoing revolution.
“Hardcore beer fanatic. Falls down a lot. Professional coffee fan. Music ninja.”
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