This creature does not come from a fantasy world or a horror movie. It is actually an ordinary ant. The photo, taken by Lithuanian wildlife photographer Eugenigus Kavaliauskas, has gone viral on social media.
The image was taken with a microscope and is one of the selected images for the Nikon Small Image Microscopy Competition.
However, many netizens have criticized the fact that this ant’s eyes and lower jaw belong to the genus Kamponotosare cut out from the image.
Photo taken by Eugenijus KavaliauskasImpressing many, it earned the “Picture of Excellence” mention, but did not win the grand prize that was unveiled at the beginning of October.
Instead, this 2022 winning image shows the leg of a giant daily fetus of a gecko from Madagascar, captured under the microscope of doctoral student Gregory Timmin and his supervisor, Michael Milinkovic.
The challenge was daunting because the claw, which was three millimeters long, was too large to take in once under a confocal microscope. Scientists affiliated with the University of Geneva had to meticulously assemble hundreds of images.
“The image consists of 300 segments, each containing about 250 optical segments, and it took two days to collect and generate about 200 GB of data,” Gregory Timin said in a press release.
for 47e A version of this competition was launched in 1975, and nearly 1,300 images from 72 countries were submitted to the jury.
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