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Presentation of group work on the ethics of vaccination.  What the health crisis taught us |  News

Presentation of group work on the ethics of vaccination. What the health crisis taught us | News

In the presence of Professor Alan Fisher

Chairman of the Vaccine Strategy Advisory Board

Monday, April 3, 2023, 6pm-8:30pm

Ethics District of Ile-de-France, Saint Louis AP-HP Hospital

(Historic Place, Gate 9), 1 avenue Claude Villevaux, 75010 Paris


Paul-Loup WEIL-DUBUC, Head of Research Unit, Ethics District of Ile-de-France

Vincent Israel Jost, researcher in the “Research in Ethics and Epistemology” team (CESP U1018 / Inserm / Paris-Saclay), District of Ethics of Ile-de-France

Presentation of group work on the ethics of vaccination.  What the health crisis taught us |  NewsThe coronavirus crisis immediately created an urgent need to accompany the events, measures and actions that have changed our lives since February 2020 with reflection on political, economic, health or research dimensions. In the fall of 2020, understanding the importance this topic of vaccination will have, we have undertaken to create a think tank on this topic, led by the Space for Ethical Reflection in Ile-de-France.

We have expanded these ideas by proposing a group work on vaccination that addresses salient ethical questions. Is there a way to properly report and communicate about vaccines? What is a fair and effective vaccine strategy? What are the consequences of HIV measures for children and adolescents? Compulsory vaccination Does the end justify the means? Can individual liberties be set aside in favor of the collective good? What are the issues of international and global justice in terms of distributing vaccine doses in the world?


Monday, April 3, 2023, 6pm-8:30pm

Ethical space in Ile-de-France, Saint-Louis Hospital (historic square, gate 9),

1 avenue Claude Villevaux, 75010 Paris

Welcome and introduction

Leo Kotelek

Lecturer in Epistemology, Team Leader “Research in Ethics and Epistemology” (CESP U1018 / Inserm / Paris-Saclay)

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Fabrice Jazeel

Professor at EHESP, Co-Director of the Ile-de-France Ethics District

Composition and intentions of the book

Vincent Israel Jost, Paul Lueb and Will Dubuque

Covid-19 in Martinique: the vaccine quandary

Rudy Valentino

Pulmonologist, resuscitator, director of the Space for Ethical Reflection in Martinique,
Martinique University Hospital

Communication, an impossible job. About the contradictory responsibility of the communicator

Sebastian Claes

Communications Officer, Ethics Area of ​​Ile-de-France, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Editorial Consultations at the Faculty of Letters of the Sorbonne

give priority to. The issue of fairness is at the heart of the vaccine strategy

Paul Loeb Will Dubuque

Testing of caregivers through vaccinations and adherence. From Persuasion to Constraint and Reflection on Ethics

Clement Tarantini

Postdoctoral Researcher in Anthropology, Institut Pasteur/Ceres, CESP U1018 (Inserm/Paris-Saclay)

Between Filing Patents and Global Public Goods – Political Hopes About Vaccines vsE SARS Cove 2

Anna C. Zelenska

Lecturer, University of Lorraine, Nancy and Archives Henri Poincaré (AHP-perst)

the findings

Alan Fisher

Professor of Pediatric Immunology, Chairman of the Vaccine Strategy Steering Council