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Feature: 5 new sounds from French science fiction to carefully discover and follow!

Feature: 5 new sounds from French science fiction to carefully discover and follow!

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Syfantasy talks to you today about a few pages that will definitely become tomorrow’s critics in San Francisco. With some previously published books and others, it’s the new voice of French SF!

We are talking here about French and non-French science fiction, and there is another issue of our Canadian and Belgian friends that will not be prolonged in the future. 😉

Crdit clarification: Manchu (French painter Cocorico!)

Chapter One | Roman Pensaya: The Art of Turning Pages in a Space Camera

DJ Sun 4I Romanian Roman Pensaya has a passion for drawing and the human race. Each of his stories is an opportunity for him to intertwine the human mind and confront it with its own contradictions. In this sense, it gets closer Bernard Weberber With Networks butterfly or even The cycle of the gods. Often the reader takes Rise in his stories To discover conspiracies and intrigues in order to destroy enterprises that would be good for the whole society, but offend narrow minds.

atPyramids or Arca, We feel the awkward ease the author gets characters to interact to create Tensions Which often leads to disasters. Roman Panasaya takes pleasure in confronting thoughts and ideas so that his novels can be fertile ground for discussion. He skillfully doses Attitude reflections, Combined with a flexible style so close to a page turner that the balance that could have been created between the different parts of his stories is always in question. For example, in PyramidsCooled humans, on their way to another plant, wake up in a tunnel of absolute darkness, with a ship barely able to turn on the lights. The result will be conflict between explorers, who want to know what’s at the end of this tunnel, and fatalists, who believe they should grow around the ship and give up exploration. The source of conflict between family and friends. But the accuracy of the author’s words means that some characters, in the face of certain events and development in their personal history, will develop or change their aspects or even find a new path for the group. All this is in written consistency and written consistency attributable to the author’s work.

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Each novel is an opportunity for Roman Panasaya to engage with powerful themes. to PyramidsIt is the place of strength in human relationships and fear of the unknown. at ArcaIt is the place of religion in an enormous human ark. Or in Filua shipwrecksThey are the reality of men and the place of war is at the foundations of human societies. This collection makes it a non-stop bibliography and awakens awareness of the underlying causes of human actions. And it’s not over yet!

Will be back soon with Last arc, Which according to the illustration, strongly points to the maze, this famous tunnel has plunged into complete darkness. Pyramids. This time, it will be a matter of encounters between several men and women from many eras and human civilizations. What a joy for an author who will definitely deal with the issue of civilization shocks!