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Kentucky Fried Chicken settles in Bay St. Paul |  Charlevoisian

Kentucky Fried Chicken settles in Bay St. Paul | Charlevoisian

Catering show wins player in Baie-Saint-Paul. Kentucky Fried Chicken will open in December. He will be located in a room in the building that houses the Shell convenience store service station on Rue Monseigneur-De Laval.

Perry Marco will operate the restaurant. He already has two and will open three more in Baie-Saint-Paul, at the Galeries de la Capitale and in Beauport “I love Baie-Saint-Paul. Who doesn’t love Baie-Saint-Paul,” he adds. “I have a winning combination here. There was an opportunity and the place is located very well at the intersection of Route 138,” continues this native from Sept. El.

Baie-Saint-Paul KFC will occupy an area of ​​1,820 square feet. Initially, A&W was to settle there. The chain did not give up on Bay St. Paul. “He will settle in the ecological zone of Les Moissons. The restaurant will be larger. The search for a franchisee is ongoing,” explains promoter Yves Simard, owner of the two locations.

Opening this Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant represents a million dollar investment. Space development work will be necessary and the restaurant must be equipped, which will have a drive-thru and dining room. “With the new fryers, the chicken tastes like 30 years ago,” says the dynamic Perry Marco, who loves to see customers leave with a smile. Fried chicken is a source of happiness.”

A Kentucky Fried Chicken franchisor knows that hiring workers is a challenge. “I’m not going to raid because I don’t want to suffer. In Quebec, we’ve hired 70 people in one year. Already, a cook wants to move to Baie-Saint-Paul. I intend to hire local people who are also involved in the community. KFC Baie-Saint-Paul will be a corporate citizen Good,” concludes the man who worked with Tim Hortons for 13 years before they changed signs to KFC.

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