In the latest beta version of WhatsApp on Android, a feature has been added. It generates usernames, each of which is unique. If you want to choose, you may have to hurry up.
After a few months of YouTube and after a few weeks of Discord, WhatsApp could start using usernames. This is actually what reveals WABetaInfo Which has disabled the latest beta version of the Meta instant messaging app.
Who will get the best @ on WhatsApp?
In version of the Google Play Beta program of the application we find a new feature under development which could be available in the next update. Usernames add: Everyone will have to choose a unique name for their account.
specialized media WABetaInfo Share a picture showing your profile settings. We understand that your username is different from the one shown. WhatsApp invites everyone to decide what works for them.
What are you going to use usernames for in WhatsApp?
to WABetaInfoThis feature should help enhance account privacy. Username means probably End of obligation to share his phone number. By default, people can then communicate on the platform simply by exchanging their usernames with the @ sign.
This can be used in particular for exchanges with companies and their customer services. In addition, end-to-end encryption of conversations will always be required. What may also make it easier to use the same account on several smartphones, which is possible recently.
📝 WhatsApp beta for Android what’s new?
WhatsApp is working on the WhatsApp username setting feature, and it will be available in a future update of the app!
– WABetaInfo (WABetaInfo) May 24, 2023
This will undoubtedly bring WhatsApp closer to competitors such as Telegram, which uses the username system. the edge She says she contacted Meta to find out more, but the company has not commented on the news and says it has nothing to share at this time.
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