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Daniel Ouimet: “My dream is to make a TV series with three women my age”

Daniel Ouimet: “My dream is to make a TV series with three women my age”

Danielle Ouimet recently returned to the small screen after an absence of 14 years. Learn more here.

We took advantage of interviewing her to discuss the hidden presence of older women on screen.

However, Daniel Ouimet has a more nuanced rhetoric than, for example, France Castel, who was an activist, Especially in the summer of 2021in order to better represent the elderly on screen.

When I was young, I took the place of the old, and today, naturally, the young take our place “,” indicates the previous host of etc etc etc“,” It should roll over, but at the same time, it shouldn’t take away from some of the roles we must have. »

My dream is to do a TV series with three women my age she says proudly.

France Castel and I would be terrible. It would be very, very funny, I don’t know if it would be funny on set, but it would be funny on screen for sure! she adds, laughing.

There have been, in film and television alike, many projects featuring actresses of a certain age that have worked very well in Our Neighbors to the South. We are talking specifically about Grace and Frankie Book Club then 80 for Brady. In Quebec, examples are fewer, but successful Discussions with my father It should, on its own, prove viewers’ interest in the comedy genre.

So, who has the chance to write this series that will re-nobate our great actresses for another generation?