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Angry at taking orders for Uber Eats: ‘We’re all so confused’

Angry at taking orders for Uber Eats: ‘We’re all so confused’

Frustrated with fast-food orders, residents in a Los Angeles neighborhood are demanding answers from Uber Eats.

• Also read: Hundreds of unsolicited Uber Eats orders baffle the neighborhood

We don’t know why this happens. It’s half fun and half annoying,” lamented a resident interviewed by KTLA.

Orders from McDonald’s and Starbucks have been arriving by the dozens in front of homes in a neighborhood in northeastern California since February.

A lull was noted, before it resumed further, unfortunately for the citizens of Highland Park.

“We had three orders…with only potatoes inside,” said Alison Perrin disappointedly, as her neighbor Richard counted more than 13 bags of food in front of his front door in less than two days.

Image from Richard Kulchar | KTLA

If purchased through Uber Eats, scammers can make ambiguous requests to validate credit card operation.

“We were all so confused when he started. We thought it was a bad joke, but if it’s a joke, it’s too expensive,” exclaims one lady.

A spokesperson for the US meal delivery company promises to work to end unwanted meal deliveries.

“We will not hesitate to act if unwanted orders continue,” she said.

This past March, a town on the outskirts of Vancouver saw dozens of Uber Eats orders flood doorways.

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