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Trump calls on evangelicals to vote for him to protect religious freedom

Trump calls on evangelicals to vote for him to protect religious freedom

Former US President Donald Trump on Saturday urged evangelicals to vote in large numbers in the presidential elections scheduled for November to help him win, pledging to “vigorously” protect religious freedom if elected.

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“Evangelicals and Christians do not vote as much as they should,” the right-wing candidate said in a Washington hotel in front of hundreds of participants in the “Faith and Freedom” coalition conference. . And freedom).

“They go to church every Sunday, but they don't vote. We have to make sure they vote, just this once.” “In four years, you don't have to vote, okay? “Don't vote in four years, I don't care,” he added half-heartedly, sparking laughter from the audience.

France Press agency

The billionaire assured evangelicals, who played an important role in his rise to power in 2016 and many of whom are very loyal to him, that he would defend their faith.

It actually allowed them to score a historic victory on abortion by appointing three conservative justices to the Supreme Court, the institution that ended up gutting the federal abortion guarantee in 2022.

He said: “We will protect Christians in our schools, in our army, in our administration, in our workplaces, in our hospitals.”

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He added: “We will also establish a new federal mission to combat anti-Christian bias,” whose goal will be to investigate “discrimination” and “persecution” against Christians in the United States.

The former president claimed that the Democratic camp of his rival, current President Joe Biden, seeks to “silence” and “weaken the morale” of Christians.

“They don't want you to vote, that's why you should vote,” Donald Trump said. “If you vote, we can't lose.”

The crowd responded with a chant of “Vote, vote, vote” and cheered on the businessman.

Donald Trump will face Joe Biden in a televised debate next Thursday, four months before the presidential election.