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Melissa Etheridge Forever Thanks Late Boyfriend David Crosby For His Sperm Donations

Melissa Etheridge Forever Thanks Late Boyfriend David Crosby For His Sperm Donations

Singer-songwriter Melissa Etheridge says she used sperm from her late boyfriend David Crosby to have two children with him.

In an interview with the magazine the people On the sidelines of the launch of the documentary series Melissa Etheridge: I'm Not BrokenOn July 9, on Paramount+, Etheridge says the former singer and guitarist, who died in January 2023, “taught him generosity.”

Crosby was the biological father of Billy and Beckett, the Etheridges' first two children. Beckett died of an overdose in 2020 at the age of 21.

“It was a special situation with my partner at the time because she was adopted and wanted her children to know who their biological father was,” Etheridge said of his ex-wife, Julie Cypher.

“For me, I didn’t want anyone to want to be a father… I didn’t want my kids to suddenly be… ‘Oh, there’s my dad and who am I?’” Etheridge said, describing Crosby as the “perfect” sperm donor.

The latter revealed that Crosby's wife, Jan Dance, was the one who recommended her husband as Etheridge's sperm donor.

“They had just received help to have their son and they were so appreciative of it. They wanted to pay it forward,” Etheridge said.

“We still find David Crosby’s children all over the world,” she added. “My daughter says, ‘I have a half-sister.’”

“It didn't need to be like that. [un père]And what really made it clear to me was that he was willing to say, “Yes, I was the biological father.” My kids call him “bio dad,” he's the biological father, but they don't need a relationship with him.

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Crosby was also the father of Django, Donovan, Erica, and James.

Etheridge is also mom to twins Johnny Rose and Stephen Miller, 17.