Awani Review

Complete News World

QUIZ.  Can Australia name the last winners on its land with France’s XV?

QUIZ. Can Australia name the last winners on its land with France’s XV?

Fabian Chaldean’s Blues has failed with a thread. From a historic victory, France’s XV quickly went on to lose 23-21 against Australia. History? Yes, because France has not conquered Wallaby on their land since 1990 … that is, 31 years! After two defeats in Sydney (9-21) and then in Brisbane (31-48), the national team had a good win of 28 to 19 points against Linux, Combies and Company.

So, before the second test scheduled for Tuesday, why not try your luck in our quiz by trying to name the fifteen players on the French teams for this meeting? Come on in, we’ll help you with the names of the two players who entered the game: Gene Condom and Gene-Baptist Lafont.

You have 100% correct answers: You have played this game.

You have 75 to 99% correct answers: You deserve to go on vacation. Well, with COVID, it’s in Connaught-en-Rosellen rather than New York …

You have 49 to 74% correct answers: You too deserve to go on vacation, do not panic. But you should always eat an ice cream with the most infamous flavor: Smurfs candy (Google Thanks for the spelling).

You have 25 to 48% correct answers: You were born in 1990, this team is not your generation …

You have less than 25% of the correct answers: If you are a fan of XIII, you do not believe that a victory for France over Australia is possible (well, we tested, the last victory was before 1978).