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A discussion with Pierre Fitzgibbon brings water to the J’aime Hydro lot mill

A discussion with Pierre Fitzgibbon brings water to the J’aime Hydro lot mill

This she said to the Canadian press after the vigorous, cordial, and respectful discussion, during which Mr. Fitzgibbon implied that there might be no palisade on the way to the Magpie River, on the north shore.

You saw correctly, it could be a potential scene in a sequel to I love Hydro, said the actress. I hadn’t made up my mind about it, but in doing so, we said to each other, Annabelle and I, that it could eventually become so.

Annabelle Souttar, producer and playwright I love Hydro and Christine Beaulieu’s senior partner in this adventure, raised a discussion at the end of which Mrs. Beaulieu said she was delighted with this exchange.

Our conversation was very friendly, very respectful, frank, which is what I want, and this is what interests me. When we meet for real, better understand each other’s points, then this is how we move forward.

Magpie, not even under study

Regarding the Magpe River, a natural gem of the North Coast whose true hydroelectric potential is the source of many discussions, Minister Fitzgibbon noted that the former President and CEO of Hydro-Québec, So Mrs. Brochu announced: the magpie is not even under study. I think there are obviously places […]He said, but without finishing his sentence.

Aerial view of two boats going down the river.

Innu says that the river is part of them and they are part of the river.

Photo: Courtesy of: Boreal River Adventures

According to Christine Beaulieu, the issue appears to be settled now after discussion: Of course you heard it, yes. Obviously, he didn’t want to go there. And that’s good to hear.

This issue of dams also moved the entire first part of the debate. For the actress, the question does not arise. It is necessary, according to him: sadness dams, although Quebec’s energy needs will increase dramatically over the next few years.

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We must begin, according to her, to extract terawatts from waste. We are not good consumers of energy. Quebecers waste a lot [et] It seems irresponsible to me to touch nature again as long as we have not taken responsibility in our consumptionfired at the beginning of the discussion.

I have the right to be radical!

The Quebec playwright asserts her positions, even extreme ones. I am an artist, and I have the right to be radicalset off to the delight of the onlookers. If for them [politiciens ou directeurs d’entreprises]It is irresponsible to grieve [des barrages]I would even go so far as to say that as an artist, it would be irresponsible if I did not assert this.

I think it is my responsibility to confirm my thoughts so that we can have a dialogue. »

Quote from Christine Beaulieu, Author and Actress

Minister Pierre Fitzgibbon did not hesitate to respond to these opening shots, but did not present a definitive position on all of it.

He said for the first time: I don’t think we can say today: the dams are over. I am against this approach. He pointed to this number everyone’s heard suggesting that Hydro should be able to produce 100 terawatts more, or half of its current capacity, by 2050.

Minister Pierre Fitzgibbon.

Minister Pierre Fitzgibbon (file photo)

Photo: Radio Canada

My position, that of the government, is to hurry up. We have to go faster because we want to decarbonisehe insisted. And he agreed that for sure, it will be necessary to focus on energy efficiency. There will also be other sources, such as dam modernization, wind, solar or bioenergy.

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There are no imposed dams

Then he added, There may be major structures, but Hydro-Québec today has not concluded that dams should be built. We have not concluded that we should put up roadblocks, but we must assess whether or not it is worth it. This evaluation, he specified, would focus on two main criteria: cost – if prohibitive compared to another source, wind power, for example – and social acceptance.

There is no doubt that the government or Hydro-Québec is imposing major worksMinister Fitzgibbon confirmed.

Dams are a means that we may have to use if they become socially acceptable, if they are economically justified. »

Quote from Pierre Fitzgibbon, Minister of Economy and Innovation of Quebec

Christine Beaulieu then invites him to respond to the following paradox: the desire to decarbonize, then Protecting nature, the planet and the environmentHowever Go touch a river to protect nature.

Because, if the goal of decarbonization is to protect our planet, it makes no sense for me to go and attack a pristine ecosystemshe indicated.

In Ms. Beaulieu’s eyes, the climate crisis and environmental protection are not just about managing greenhouse gases. We also protect our planet by protecting the remaining wild ecosystems and there are very fewShe hired the actress, adopting the reasoning expressed in her theatrical documentary.

Towards responsible use?

Faced with these concerns, Pierre Fitzgibbon essentially insisted on the demand for electricity. According to him, the need for 100 terawatts by 2050 can be severely underestimated: There may be interesting projects out there that mean we’ll need 125 TWh maybe not in 2050, but by 2040.

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He also mentioned a list of 50 rivers that can be harnessed: When we look at James Bay, we look at Labrador, maybe there are structures — maybe — that will make sense on an ecological level and will make sense on a level of social acceptance.

Hydroelectric dam.

Hydroelectric dam at Shawinigan

Photo: Radio Canada/Jean-François Fortier

Another topic discussed, that of tariffs, was Christine Beaulieu giving her opinion by imagining herself a minister. We would need an energy base that we could classify as essential – so as not to get cold in the winter, to be able to wash, to feed ourselves – and beyond that vital energy we must all pay the cost of electricity as it falls. WelfareShe said.

Pierre Visgibbon agreed with his remarks:I totally agree with what you just said, spa heating and water heating [pour des besoins essentiels], this is not the same. I think we got there was a reaction.

Final draft of the piece I love Hydro It was three and a half hours long when the curtain fell for the last time in August 2022.