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A highly profitable ‘new’ reason for iPhone theft

A highly profitable ‘new’ reason for iPhone theft

Despite security measures, it appears that the iPhone has once again become a major target for thieves in Brazil. The reason is very profitable, it seems.

Our electronic gadgets are devices that can be very expensive. Since they are often very compact, they can be a prime target for thieves of all kinds. However, today’s smartphones and laptops have a number of anti-theft protections that make the process less attractive. It seems, however, thatIphone he is Once again a favorite target.

The iPhone has become a prime target for thieves in Brazil

At the beginning of the great iPhone adventure, the phone was very popular among thieves. In fact, the intrinsic value of the device was so interesting that the thieves managed to withdraw a large amount from it by reselling it. Now, it’s becoming more sensitive as Apple has integrated a number of security measures into iOS.

They seem to be using it to access victims’ bank accounts الحسابات

However, it appears that thieves in Brazil have found a new reason to steal iPhones: access to bank accounts. According to the Brazilian newspaper Folha de S. Paulo, the victims of smartphone theft are usually smartphone users. Android In their car with Waze activated but the iPhone seems to smell like holiness, so to speak, among thieves.

why ? Apparently, once the iPhone is stolen, rather than just being resold, the thief uses the phone to invade the victim’s bank accounts. We don’t really know how they do it. Banking apps are usually secure even if your phone is unlocked, they require additional authentication to work. Specifically to avoid this kind of problem. How do thieves authenticate? mystery.

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According to the Brazilian Confederation of Banks, “In order to use banking applications, it is necessary to have the personal password of the customer. Application usage data, such as the customer password, is never stored by the applications on phones.”