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A shocking dance of a planet around its star

A shocking dance of a planet around its star

By measuring the mini eclipse resulting from the passage of the planet in front of its star (as above in this artist’s presentation), Astronomers have been able to prove that transits are getting shorter and shorter for Kepler-1658b. ANU

Decay – Kepler-1658b is approaching its star and risks ending up in pieces.

For Kepler-1658b, it appears to be the last dance. L’exoplanet I got into an ill-fated waltz with her star, getting a little closer to it with each revolution, according to observations by an American team of astronomers. At this rate, an exoplanet could be torn apart by its star in just a few million years. This work was published Monday in the journal Astrophysical Journal Letters .

It is not the first time we have witnessed such a scene. Wasp-12b was suspected in 2018 to be in somewhat the same situation, and several complementary studies have since confirmed it. For now, the situation is less clear for Kepler-1658b, but several experts have been interviewed before. Le Figaro I think this is the most likely scenario to explain the current observations.

“The really cool thing is that we’re entering a phase where we’re starting to get enough data…

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