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A third sharing space has been opened.

A third sharing space has been opened.

Like its predecessors in downtown Alma and Labrecque, the community fridge is primarily aimed at reducing food waste, by allowing citizens and small businesses to share their surplus. It also helps low-income residents by giving them access to fresh produce.

“Fruit, vegetables, bread, cane, bags of rice, pasta… It can also be surplus from the vegetable garden at the end of summer. “There can also be leftovers from caterers, which can be very good, and can be put in the communal fridge,” cites the director of Butineurs, Karine Rottier. In addition to sitting at the table, the organization helps fill the community fridges, by collecting surplus from local producers.

Potinours General Manager Karine Rottier invites citizens to share their surplus food by placing it in the community fridge.

Contributors are also invited to share the contents of their fridge via the organization’s Facebook page, once they have made a donation. However, home-cooked products are not recommended, due to the risk of expiration that is difficult to assess.

“It is wonderful to add a community fridge, in an area that is still far from the main centre, which will serve residents who have less access to such services,” said Sylvie Beaumont, Mayor of Alma.

The creation of this new sharing space on the site of the community center is the result of the collaboration of several partners including the City of Alma, Lac-Saint-Jean MP Eric Girard via “My Neighbor, I'm Worried Occupy”, as well as the Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi Lac-Saint-Jean Foundation and the General Training Center for Adults in the manufacture of outdoor shelters.

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