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A very rare colorful sea creature found in the UK

A very rare colorful sea creature found in the UK

Volunteer Seasearch diver Alan Murray discovered a multicolored sea slug of the genus Papagina anatoni off the Isles of Scilly, which until then had only been recorded off the west coast of Spain and in the southern Atlantic.

This two-centimeter creature belongs to the nudibranch family and fascinates everyone with its bright colors and striking patterns.

This species was found in the rocky, uninhabited area of ​​the Isles of Scilly. Matt Slater, marine conservation manager at Cornwall Wildlife Trust and seasearch project co-ordinator for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, was excited to see the species so close to England. “Logs like this from our ocean search divers are essential to better understanding and protecting our ocean,” he stressed.

These soft-bodied animals are similar to their terrestrial cousins, garden snails. They feed on algae, anemones and other sea snails.

Lucy McRobert, communications manager at the Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust, said: “We never cease to be amazed by the wildlife that appears in Ceylon waters. From rare and beautiful nudibranchs and purple sea snails to huge whales like humpbacks and baleen whales, we learn and see something new every time we dive below the surface!

An exotic sea slug in Brazil

Sea snails such as Papagina anatoni have already appeared on the Brazilian coast. In September 2021, the helloHaar Digital sheds light on the origins of the “Blue Dragon,” a nickname given to a species. Glaucus Atlanticus, on the beach of Pertioga, in Santos, on the south coast of São Paulo. An animal washed ashore on the beach attracted the attention of swimmers.

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Via: Cornwall Wildlife Trust

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