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Absenteeism Explosion at SAAQ After SAAQclic Failure

Absenteeism Explosion at SAAQ After SAAQclic Failure

The failure to deploy the SAAQclic platform in February 2023 had repercussions on the health of employees who had to endure the verbal and sometimes physical discontent of dissatisfied customers, while at the same time we noticed an increase in absenteeism.

According to access to information requests, absenteeism increased by more than 200% at several sites in the network in the months following SAAQclic's launch (see table).

“After the platform arrived, sickness absences increased. Yes, there was definitely an impact,” confirmed Christian Degle, president of the Quebec Public and Parapublic Service Union (SFPQ), who admitted that he did not have the reasons for the absences at hand, since these were confidential data. One thing is certain, the union is aware of the difficulties employees face with clients who are not “in a good mood.”

“Recently, a Laval employee was grabbed by both arms by a customer. shake Without a prescription. “The employee was traumatized,” Mr. Diggle said.

“What is unacceptable is that nothing happened. The authority asked the citizen to leave, but they did not call the police, even though it was an assault,” he added.

“We want to take action against citizens who disrespect employees,” Mr. Deagle added.

Among the data collected from 44 service centers in Quebec, those in the national capital (Leburgneuf, Hamel, Donnacona and Baie-Saint-Paul) saw a 200% increase in October 2023. The centers in Saint-Hyacinthe and Granby accumulated an increase of 313% in November.

According to an SFPQ survey published in October 2023, nearly half of customer service employees said they experienced a significant increase in anxiety and 60% were considering jumping ship.

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Feedback from SAAQ

According to SAAQ, “the recorded absences relate to a range of situations that make association with the SAAQclic publication impossible.”

In addition, the overall absenteeism rate is claimed to have been maintained over the years. However, the overall rate includes all SAAQ employees and not just frontline service center employees.

In service centres where there is an increase in absences, the General Secretariat for Quality explains that the reason is the increase in the number of employees who have been added. An explanation that Mr. Degel does not agree with.

“If newly hired staff are contributing to the increase in illnesses, it says a lot about the situation at SAAQ, because it is really rare for newly hired staff to get sick so quickly.”

A strategy to support service centre teams was published in 2023 and actions are ongoing to ensure their wellbeing.

Increase in sickness absences per month*

(2023 vs 2022)

  • +220% (CS Montmagny, Saint-Joseph-de-Beauce, Lévis, Thetford Mines)
  • +200% (CS Leborgneuf, Hamel, Donnacona, Bay Saint Paul)
  • +163% (CS Trois-Rivières, Shawinigan, and Juliette)
  • +220% (Saint Hyacinth and Granby)
  • +182% (CS Sorel-Tracy and Dorval)
  • +275% (CS Trois-Rivières, Shawinigan, and Juliette)
  • +187% (CS Saguenay, Roberval, Alma, Baie-Comeau, Sept-Ile)
  • +129% (CS Mont Laurier, Val d'Or, Ville Marie, Rouen, Lassarre)
  • +313% (Saint Hyacinth and Granby)
  • +225%(CS Laval)
  • +200% (CS Trois Rivieres, Shawinigan, Juliet)

*To avoid identifying the persons concerned by this data, certain service centers in the same area have been grouped together.

Total sickness absences, by month, in 2023

(44 SAQ Service Centers excluding dealers)

  • 291: February
  • 299 : March
  • 205: April*
  • 304: May
  • 336 : June
  • 327: July*
  • 387 : August
  • 370: September
  • 444 :October
  • 489 :November
  • 427: December
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*In April, data from the Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu and Salaberry-du-Valleefield centres were revised because there were fewer than five cases. Same in July for the Mont-Laurier, Val-d'Or, Ville-Marie, Rouen and Lassarre service centres; data not shown in the table.

Number of licensing and registration clerks in the Authority’s branches

(except agents)

  • 729 in 2022
  • 892 in 2023
  • 956 in 2024

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