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According to Goldman-Sachs, the functions that will be most affected or replaced by generative AI systems such as ChatGPT

According to Goldman-Sachs, the functions that will be most affected or replaced by generative AI systems such as ChatGPT

According to a prospective study by Goldman Sachs, AI could affect about two-thirds of current jobs. Some sectors will be affected more than others. Here any.

Every day since its arrival, OpenAI’s ChatGPT has talked about its capabilities and those of other generative AIs. A chatbot can write like humans and sometimes even better. It can also do this in several languages.

Over the course of his experiences, he learns to perform new tasks on his own and does so quickly and, in most cases, almost free. This is only the beginning, as currently artificial intelligence tends to lie and invent facts and suffer from many mistakes. Artificial intelligence will inevitably advance, and the question now arises whether it can replace some professions, particularly those related to creativity or communication.

As one might fear, this will indeed be the case according to a report Just released by Goldman Sachs. According to employment data in the United States and Europe, two-thirds of existing jobs could be affected by AI automation capabilities. Generative models can completely replace up to a quarter of existing jobs. Ultimately, this will affect about 300 million full-time jobs.

As for the affected sectors, the report expected that the administrative and legal professions would be the most affected by job cuts, at rates of up to 46% and 44%, respectively. trades more physicalphysical It will be less affected by a decline of 6% for construction trades and 4% for all maintenance work. Maintenance and cleaning professions are expected to be the hardest hit with up to 95% job cuts due to automated systems managed by artificial intelligence systems. The same applies to repair services (85%), production (72%), transportation and material movement (65%). Food-related professions will also be affected by 50%.

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Unemployed because of artificial intelligence!

Less affected, the trade revolving around architecture will see its workforce drop by 10%. Trade and finance professions are doing well with job cuts of 4%. Even more surprisingly, those related to arts, design, entertainment, sports and media will be affected by only 3%. So much for the dark side.

But, more positively, these AIs should generate new jobs with higher productivity. On the one hand, the cost of such work should be lower than it is today. Also according to the report, if artificial intelligence is popularized, it could lead to an increase in growth annualannual of labor productivity. Then AI will be able to increase GDP (gross domestic productgross domestic product) globally by 7%. According to the report, this 7% figure should correspond to the number of American workers who will be laid off due to AI. If the numbers in this report sound scary, the study doesn’t specify when that might happen.