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After Georgia, Republican accusations against the electoral system reach Arizona

After Georgia, Republican accusations against the electoral system reach Arizona

No wonder. But still angry. Saturday afternoon, John F. of Duson. In the shade of a tree in Kennedy Park, Tony and Louise had a lot to say about the new legislative war that has just opened five months later in Arizona. That government has a surprise for everyone, the color changed in the last presidential election. The color of the seats for many moons ranges from Republican red to Democratic blue.

“It simply came to our notice then. In other words, Tony was blunted in his late fifties. The Republicans lost the election and are now looking to change the rules of the game in their favor before the next election. “

« Donald Trump With the recapture of Arizona, Louis, an American of Mexican descent who is well aware that this is the only way he can return to power, came to talk to his African-American friend at the waterfront. A water point, rare area. But that won’t happen, thanks to the Latin and African Americans who will stand together to prevent this con artist from coming back. “

Last Thursday, the Arizona Senate passed the Republican-led bill just a few days ago by the state House of Representatives to change how the government works. The permanent voter list and thus the purpose of postal and progress is reduced to voting. These changes promise to block the way for tens of thousands of voters to go to the polls.

Paradoxically, it was Republican Kelly Townsend who broke ranks and blocked the legislature’s gesture, with a small majority in favor of Donald Trump’s party. The elected official said he was waiting for the results of an investigation into election fraud in the state’s most populous Marigopa county, which was the subject of controversy by Republican senators after the defeat, before deciding on laws that would change the state’s electoral structure.

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Background movement

But another bill written by Republicans is nearing approval in the House. He seeks to tighten voter identification rules, which are widely used in the United States to reduce access to the ballot.

These bills are now fueling a grassroots movement in the United States, with less than 361 new laws being brought before the 47 state legislatures since the last election, a thinly veiled attempt to snatch the right to vote. The ballot box for millions of people, according to the Brennan Center for Justice, a pro-democracy group. All are worn by Republicans.

“Republicans have more or less bought into the lies about Donald Trump’s election stealing, and continue this rhetoric,” he said in an interview. Duty Anthropologist Ryan Weicheld is an expert in American political geography at the University of Wisconsin-e-Clare. The Republicans of Arizona, more than others, have fallen victim to the former president’s claims, and these laws prove it. “

The last presidential election in Arizona has significantly increased early and postal voting for the benefit of Democrats, who, like elsewhere, have benefited by mobilizing Latin and African-American votes strongly. Demographic changes in the revitalizing and liberalizing state as a result of immigration from California have soaked the state into an important real Joe Biden camp in this Republican corner of the country. Since 1952, Clinton’s first term with a brief democratic closing in on the bill.

“Laws under debate in Arizona, such as reducing access to the ballot in Georgia a few weeks ago, are affecting proportionately low-income and minority voters, confusing already very large electoral laws. 10,000 votes cast the key to victory. “

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Allegations of theft and fraud by Donald Trump in the wake of the 2020 referendum have never been proven in Arizona, despite legal action initiated by those close to the former president and the cries of a few. Local party leaders. The situation is similar elsewhere in the country.

“These laws are very strange because, like Georgia, Arizona officials made it clear during the November 3 election that their electoral systems worked very well,” says Ryan Weiselt. So they seek to impose changes to fix things that do not need to be fixed. “

Under his tree, Lewis says he hopes all these attempts to steal the right to vote will fail. “We can’t give it up,” he told his son to reaffirm his commitment. That’s one Dreamer [ces Américains sans statut après avoir immigré illégalement en bas âge aux États-Unis avec leur parent]. Although he took his scholarship after Trump came to power, he was selected as a year student at his college, not one year, but two in a row, he says proudly. Jesio, that’s his name. This is my inspiration to continue to fight for my rights. “

The report was sponsored by the Transat International Press FundDuty.

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