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Air Canada: New flights to Australia and New Zealand

Air Canada: New flights to Australia and New Zealand

Air Canada recently announced a strategic expansion of its South Pacific schedule; Sydney service is back daily and contacts with Brisbane and Auckland are being restored.

Air Canada flights to Australia and New Zealand depart from its Trans-Pacific hub at Vancouver International Airport, established to easily connect its international network with its extensive North American network.

You can now book seats Or through the Air Canada App or Air Canada Service Centers and Travel Agencies.

“We are accelerating the re-opening of our routes to Australia and New Zealand to meet the growing demand for passengers between Canada and these countries as the borders reopen,” said Mark Callardo, Senior Vice President, Network Planning and Revenue Management, Air Canada.

“At our Vancouver hub, thanks to easy links and US transit passenger pre-clearance facilities, we are working with our extensive North American network to make Vancouver the preferred gateway to travel between North America and the South Pacific.”

“The re-establishment of our services to the South Pacific and our extensive North American network will support the tourism and hospitality sectors in all four countries, and customers will be able to visit and enjoy their travels. Mr. Gallardo concluded.

Table of links with Australia and New Zealand

Plane Origin The goal Acting days Departure Visit Devices Get started
AC033 Y.V.R. SYD The frequency is daily in early May 23:15 07:45 (+2 days) Boeing 777 Already on the table
AC034 SYD Y.V.R. The frequency is daily in early May 09:30 07:10 Boeing 777 Already on the table
AC035 Y.V.R. BNS Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sun. 22:55 06:35 (+2 days) Boeing 787 Dreamliner 1Er July
AC036 BNS Y.V.R. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday 10:15 06:50 Boeing 787 Dreamliner July 3
AC039 Y.V.R. A.K.L. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 22:45 10:05 (+2 days) Boeing 787 Dreamliner 10 Nov
AC040 A.K.L. Y.V.R. Monday, Thursday, Saturday. 2:30 p.m. 06:30 Boeing 787 Dreamliner 12 Nov
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Air Canada may change its schedule based on new opportunities, or in the future develop Govt-19 to ease government controls. For a full detailed schedule, visit

Easy and convenient matches
Air Canada’s South Pacific flight schedule extends its comprehensive North American conventions to facilitate simple and convenient connections in Vancouver to New York, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Calgary, Edmonton, Kelowna, Victoria, Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles. .

In Sydney and Brisbane, Air Canada will facilitate flights to Melbourne, Canberra, Perth, Cairns and other cities through Cotshare operating partner Virgin Australia.