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An international symposium on the contribution of science to social life

An international symposium on the contribution of science to social life


In honor of Professor Mustafa jomnimbou, Institute scIences and communities the The National Center for Scientific and Technological Research (CNRST) organizes an international symposium IMay 25 and 26, 2023 in Ouagadougou. This framework aims to be a space for scholarly discussion It will be held under the heading “What contribution From science to social and economic development African countries? “.

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Africa’s development requires knowledge From its history, not as the settlers wanted », This is one of the ideas championed by Professor Mustafa Jomjnembo that will also earn him an honor from May 25-26, 2023 at the National Center for Scientific and Technological Research. According to the organizers, it will be a matter of showing the importance of scientific research in social life through exchanges, apart from tribute.

to do this What is the contribution of science to the social and economic development of African countries? » is the chosen topic for these 48 exchanges.” Mustafa Jomjnembo insisted on the importance of taking into account knowledge and self-knowledge to meet the current challenges of development and social cohesion.

By organizing this symposium, the aim is to acknowledge the contribution of Mustafa Jomnembo’s reflections to the development of Africa and to promote historical science in Africa.Alice Soma / Somda, Chairman of the Organizing Committee explained.

During these 48 hours of exchanges, 75 contacts from Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Benin, Niger and Togo will present issues related to this topic. ” These contacts will be introduced by Professor Jomgnimbo’s contemporaries, young educators, scholars and scholars whose methodological and scholarly imprint enabled the researcher to initiate and deepen their research work in all disciplines of the humanities and social sciences. », added the head of the organizing committee.

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For Maxime Compaoré of the Scientific Committee, the idea is to highlight the contribution of scientific research in this context, in particular through the research of Professor Mustafa Jomjnembo. ” Researchers are people who observe what is happening in the community. We analyze all these facts with a researcher’s eye and highlight the main elements that can contribute to the development of our country. We generally work on topical issues to suggest possible solutions, as did the prof. “he finished.

This international symposium was announced on Monday, May 22, 2023, and as a reminder, it will be held inside the National Center for Scientific and Technological Research. Access to it is free and open to all, according to the organizers.

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