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Anticipation Literature and Digital Humanities (Lyon)

Anticipation Literature and Digital Humanities (Lyon)

Anticipation and Digital Humanities Symposium

Thursday 16th and Friday 17th March 2023


Claire Barel Moissan (IHRIM, CNRS ENS Lyon)

[email protected]

Delphine Gleizes (Lite and Arts, University of Grenoble Alpes)

[email protected]

Thursday, March 16th

ENS-Lyon, 15 Parvis Rene Descartes. Room 117, Building D2.


10 am Hello

10:15-10:30 a.m

Claire Barel-Moissan and Delphine Gleizes, Introduction

Methodological tools and issues

Chair: Olivier Parra (IHRIM, University Lumière Lyon 2)

10.30-10.50 am Claire Barel-Moisan (IHRIM, CNRS ENS Lyon), “A database for the analysis of the editorial, poetic, and thematic characteristics of a literary genre. Advantages and limitations of the tool »

10h50-11h05 Discussion

11h05-11h45 Pierre-Carl Langlais (ANR Numapresse), “Science Fiction Read by Artificial Intelligence: Emergencies, Creations, and Dispersals of a Genre in Latent Literary Space”

11h45-12h discussion

12-12:30 PM Olivier Crieff (LIDILEM, University of Grenoble Alpes), “Comparing genres with lexicography: Presentation of observable objects and exploration scenarios”

12:30-12:45 discussion

12:45 PM – 2 PM Lunch


Languages, languages ​​and formulas

Chair: Olivier Crieff (Ledelim, University of Grenoble Alpes)

2pm – 2:20pm

Pascal Roux (Lite and the Arts, University of Grenoble Alpes), “The use of linguistic data for literary analysis: identifying patterns. Methodological proposals »

2:20-2:30 p.m. Discussion

2:30 pm – 3 pm

Julie Sorba and Eva Novakova (Ledelim, University of Grenoble Alpes), “Literature of Anticipation and Science Fiction: What is Filiation? Linguistic Insight in Collection »

3:00-3:10 p.m. Discussion

3:10-3:30 p.m. break

Chair: Christelle Colo (Pleiad, Sorbonne Paris Nord)

3:30 – 4:00 pm.

Amélie Chabrier (RIRRA 21, University of Nîmes) “Grammar and the art of sprichablar and scribir correctly: a linguistic exploration of the site of expectation”

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4:00-4:10 p.m. Discussion

4:10 – 4:40 pm.

Yoan Vérilhac (RIRRA 21, University of Nimes) “Science fiction volume and gender format”

4:40 – 4:50 PM Discussion

Friday, March 17th

Humanities House – Amphi Marc Bloch


Public, media and societal issues

President: Marie-Eve Thirenty (RIRRA 21, Universitaire Paul Valéry Montpellier 3, IUF)

9 am Hello


Valerie Stenon (Blade, Sorbonne Paris Nord), “Is dystopia a collective story? A response to digital humanities tools »

9:45-9:55 discussion


Christelle Colo (Pléiade, Sorbonne Paris Nord), “Expectation: a gender type?”

10:25-10:35 discussion

10:35-10:50 break


Delphine Gleizes (Litt & Arts, Grenoble Alpes University), “Expectation in Pictures: Statistics for a Pictorial Type”

11:20-11:30 discussion

11.30am – 12pm

Laurent Bazin (CHCSC, Paris-Saclay University) “Youth and Anticipation”

12:00-12:10 discussion

12:15-1:45 p.m. Lunch


Knowledge and anticipation

Chair: Sarah Mombert (IHRIM, ENS-Lyon)

1:45 PM – 2:15 PM

Hugues Chabot (S2HEP, Lyon 1), “Science and Technologies Tested by History in Anticipatory Literature”

2:15 – 2:25 p.m. Discussion

2:25-2:55 p.m.

Cyril Langlois (S2HEP, Lyon 1), “What is the theory of evolution in science fiction?”

2:55-3:05 PM Discussion

3:05-3:35 p.m.

Claire Barrel-Moissan (IHRIM, CNRS ENS Lyon), “Imaginary Technologies and Futuristic Inventions: A Technocratic Kind?”

3:35 – 3:45 PM Discussion

4 p.m. End of the seminar.