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AstraZeneca Entry: “There Will Be Potions For Everyone”

AstraZeneca Entry: “There Will Be Potions For Everyone”

Après avoir annoncé jeudi la tenue de quatre journées de vaccination sans rendez-vous en deuxième dose AstraZeneca pour les gens vaccinés avant le 3 avril, le CIUSSS tient à rassurer les gens pourés: rien ne sert de courir, il y aura dout the world.

Also read: Here are the clinics where you can receive your second dose of AstraZeneca

CIUSSS would like to avoid forming long lines too early in front of the targeted vaccination centers this weekend. The vaccination targets around 8,500 people who received AstraZeneca before April 3 and CIUSSS received 8,500 doses on Friday.

“It is important to say that. We have doses sufficient to respond to all who have received a first dose before April 3. The Regional Director of Immunization, Patricia MacKinnon, insists on this.

Especially since the people in this group are mostly elderly people and CIUSSS wants to prevent them from complicating their lives.

“We have people aged 65 or over, and many of them are between the ages of 70 and 75. There is really no need to appear at 3 or 4 in the morning to stand in line, they will be able to appear during one of the four days,” says the manager.

These four days will be Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. The first and second, smaller in size, will take place in Lancian Laureate with 280 doses available per day. The two big hits will be served on Mondays and Tuesdays, at ExpoCité and Laval University, which will get 2,000 and 1,000 doses, respectively, each day.

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“So, if it’s not Saturday or Sunday, it will be Monday or Tuesday,” recalls Patricia MacKinnon, insisting that there be enough.

2,000 doses for people vaccinated at home will also be reserved by CIUSSS Home Support Teams, always before April 3. These people are contacted directly by the Immunization Department.

And for others who received AstraZeneca after April 3, can we expect the same kind of action? Because there will still be 41,000 after we vaccinated 8,500 planned this weekend.

“Yes, definitely,” says MacKinnon. When the ministry sends us the next doses of AstraZeneca, we will be able to repeat the same process without setting an appointment for those who wish to benefit from their second dose, always respecting the 8-week period. “