Astronomy Evening – Espace Loire Sky Observation Conference, October 21, 2022, Cleary Saint-Andre.

Astronomy Evening – Skywatch Conference Friday October 21, 8 p.m. Espace Loire

Discover the beauty of the universe, the head of the stars!

Espace Loire rue du Stade 45370 Cléry Saint André Cléry-Saint-André 45370 Loiret Center-Val de Loire [{« link »: « »}]

In continuation of the observation evening organized in July 2022, at the initiative of young elected officials of CME, the municipality invites the association Astrocentre Orleans On a new observation evening on Friday October 21 in the Espace Loire, from 8 pm.

8 PM – 9 PM /// “Light and Starlight” Conference

The evening will begin with a conference led by 2 presenters from the Astrocentre Orléans Association.

An opportunity to answer questions about light, its behaviour, our perception of it, our use of it…

The speakers will expand the approach to the universe, its beauty and the light that comes to us from the stars. They will also review recent scientific advances in deep sky observation. Finally, the topic of light pollution, which is a major obstacle to observing the sky, will be touched upon.


On one of the telescopes provided by the Assembly, and in the form of small groups, you can observe the sky, under the guidance of the facilitators.

First, a general observation, with the naked eye, to determine your position in the sky thanks to the stars and constellations, according to the cardinal points. Then you will discover the telescope and what it will allow you to see that evening: planets like Jupiter and its moons, Saturn and its rings, Mars the red planet, and depending on the quality of the sky, star clusters, and possibly nebulae.

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If the weather does not allow observation, then a presentation of the material can be made in the room, and the sky, hidden by clouds, will be displayed on the screen from the program “Stellarium”.

An evening to make young and old dream and discover the beauty of the universe, your head in the stars…

Start and end dates and times (year – month – day – hour):
2022-10-21T20:00:00 + 02:00
2022-10-21T23:00:00 + 02:00

Cleary Saint Andre