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Bill 11: Doctors are ‘skeptical’, opposition dissatisfied

Bill 11: Doctors are ‘skeptical’, opposition dissatisfied

In a press release, the professional union representing general practitioners said they are Doubtful Before the content of the invoice 11.

It was possible to attack For several weeks already to the problems it aims to solve Without the need for an invoice, Support FMOQwho regretted not being official return The government despite numerous calls to do so.

Looks like we’re looking at things going the way of what we put on the table a few months ago, announced in an interview with ICI RDI President FMOQ, Dr. Louis Godin.

Invokes the fact that access to family physicians, including 1.5 million orphan patients, is facilitated, and access is facilitated Priority care for people currently at the arrival desk.

However, Dr. Godin cautions that we shouldn’t expect the waiting list for some 880,000 patients already registered any time soon to shrink. We won’t fix this next week, in a week, it will take some time, He says.

We have to make the difference between providing access to medical service and making sure every Quebecer has a family doctor.

Quote from:Dr. Louis Godin, President of FMOQ

Family physicians, who demand facilitating procedures Right to access primary care, give the example of adding other professionals to family medicine groups (nurses, psychologists, social workers) and reducing the administrative burden.

They also warn ofAdded bureaucracy and additional obligations.

The FMOQ He points out that there is currently a shortage of nearly 1,000 family physicians in Quebec, while needs are growing and succession is not sufficiently secured.

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change the tone

After weeks of arm wrestling that took place in the public arena, FMOQ However it was noticed The calm tone of Minister Dube and his call for cooperation.

In a press conference, the Minister of Health, Christian Dube, indicated that his bill constitutes a work canvas who goes for help The government is in negotiations with FMOQ.

About ICI RDI, Dr. Godin said to himself Happy to hear that […] that the minister calls [les médecins de famille] To discuss as soon as possible to come up with solutions.

Legault government Threatened to legislate to force some family doctors To take care of more patients, focusing on FMOQ Who is the Challenge the strong path.

Even Prime Minister Francois Legault said Have doctors’ names on handwho are not doing well.

The head of the Patient Protection Council, Paul Brunet, does not hide his exasperation at the access problem. Can patients see a doctor or nurse when they need to screen for problems?

Is this complicated?Fired in an interview with ICI RDI. I can’t believe we’re there yet.

Skeptically, Mr. Brunet invokes part of Bill 11 that provides for access to better data on patient care by GPs on a regional basis: very good. Will that solve the problem?

Not enough clear goals, too much centralization, regrets the opposition

For their part, other political formations in the National Assembly were quick to denounce the fact that Bill 11 will not, in their opinion, give tangible results on the ground. In a statement, Liberal Party leader Dominic Englade called the legislative document targetedmarketing process.

The bill does not include any goals, outputs, or commitments, so Kickers have no guarantee of getting the services they are entitled to.

Quote from:Dominique Angliad, leader of the Liberal Party of Quebec

If people need careful, continuous and regular monitoring of their health, what one can worry about is the lack of targets for government ownership and dissatisfaction with doctors., added Party Kibekwe Health spokesperson Joel Arsenault.

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For his part, his counterpart from Quebec Solidere criticized the LEGO administration for its desire to focus decision-making powers in Quebec at the expense of health institutions and doctors at the local and regional levels.

Government Looks like he wants to take over recipes [l’ex-ministre libéral de la Santé] Gaétan Barrette, in particular through the highly centralized control of family physiciansVincent Marisal argued.

In collaboration with Dominique Degré.