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Call for Research Projects 2023: Public Space Management and Evacuation Strategies for So-called ‘Unwanted’ Residents

Call for Research Projects 2023: Public Space Management and Evacuation Strategies for So-called ‘Unwanted’ Residents

To fuel its reflections and enrich public debate through rigorous analyses, the Defender of Rights conducts and coordinates study and research work.

In the year 2023, the rights advocate has launched a call for research projects on public space management and strategies for evicting so-called “unwanted” residents.

Through the referrals it receives, the rights advocate is able to monitor the violations of rights in public spaces that are exposed to certain categories of users and especially the so-called “undesirable” population.

In recent years, the institution has been taken over, for example, by cases related to procedures for evicting occupants of land, slums or slums outside the legal framework or compliance with the accompanying rules laid down in the law. The rights advocate has become aware of disproportionate uses of force, destruction of property, or eviction practices of certain populations that do not comply with moral codes. Finally, it was confiscated due to the use of decrees that did not comply with legislative standards.


This call for research projects aims to analyze strategies and devices, formal or informal, whose aim or effect is to expel ‘unwanted’ residents in public spaces.

Research projects may document:

  • The different strategies and mechanisms adopted by the authorities responsible for the management of public spaces in the direction of “unwanted” residents;
  • the consequences of these strategies and systems for the population concerned;
  • The roles of different actors involved in managing public space.


The invitation for applications opens March 15, 2023.

Applications must be submitted in advance 1any Midnight June 2023.

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Candidates will be informed of the decisions no later than June 30, 2023.

To be eligible, projects must meet the following conditions:

  • respond to the objectives of the topic and fall within the scope of this call for projects;
  • meet the requirements regarding the duration and the maximum amount requested;
  • be led by one or more teams of researchers, from the National Center for Scientific Research or universities and other research institutions, in the legal discipline, or in the humanities, social and political sciences (economics, geography, history, sociology, anthropology, etc.); Project implementation may involve several research teams; Beneficiary teams must be subject to these structures;
  • The Project Coordinator and Team Leaders must have no conflicts or links of interest in managing the project and undertake to do so in the application file;
  • Submission of the duly completed application file with all information necessary for a comprehensive assessment of project quality and all required documents;
  • Ensure free publication of results and knowledge produced.

Research projects are evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • The suitability of the research project and research objectives to the objectives of the project call, evaluated on the basis of the research project and its presentation.
  • Paying attention to the research hypotheses and the proposed methodology and their suitability for the expected results on the basis of the research project and its presentation.
  • Scientific competence of the proposed team, evaluated on the basis of CVs and bibliography;
  • The adequacy of the estimated research project budget, evaluated on the basis of the research project and budget presentation.
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