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Canada bans Huawei from its networks

Canada bans Huawei from its networks

Many countries have banned the large Chinese telecommunications equipment manufacturer, including the United Kingdom, the United States, New Zealand, Australia and even Canada.

Canada has decided to ban Chinese manufacturer Huawei from working on its 5G phone networks, and it was announced by the country’s finance minister, François-Philippe Champagne, who pointed out that taking this decision will lead to an improvement in internet services. In addition, he also claimed that the safety of the Canadian population will be protected from now on.

According to the Chinese country, the country’s Foreign Ministry, with Wang Wenbin as its spokesperson, has made a statement on the matter and has said that it will evaluate the situation and take the necessary measures to ensure that the interests of Chinese companies are not affected.

According to China, Canada was never able to prove that there were security risks in its devices, which is necessary to be able to exclude the company from its market, so it would be violating what is known as the principle of market economy and the rules of free trade.

For its part, the US responded to the tech giant in a statement expressing its disappointment and saying that the decision is simply a political one and has nothing to do with internet security.

Sanctions against Huawei by other countries

Canada is not the first country to impose sanctions on the Chinese giant. The United Kingdom, New Zealand, the United States and Australia have already done it, and these four countries, together with Canada, have decided to form an intelligence-sharing agreement called Five Eyes. You may already be familiar with this name, as it was set up at the end of the Second World War and underwent some modification during the Cold War in order to monitor the Soviet Union and be able to share much of its classified information.

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It came as no surprise that Canada decided to take this decision, as its allies had already taken the step of excluding both Huawei from its high-speed networks. Champagne apologized that this had come after a full review by its security agencies and consultation with its allies. He also added that in the world we live in, with 5G, with so much reliance on the network on a daily basis, it is the decision that has to be made.

5G in our lives

The fifth generation, more popularly known as 5G, is the next major upgrade to the internet, and one of the advantages it offers users is the high speed of uploading and downloading data.

Everyone wants to search for something on the internet and have it in less than a second. How many times have you waited for your YouTube video to load? Or the movie you’re watching on Netflix? Online gamers will also notice the big difference; as faster speeds will also mean better quality gaming. In addition, many betting shops such as Vegas online slots in Canada, where there are more than 10,000 slots to play for free and 1,200 online casinos, would also benefit from 5G. Their users will be able to gamble at high speed from any device that is connected to an internet network, as well as make or receive payment not only securely but efficiently.

This will be made possible by the fact that 5G offers the possibility to access the internet from a greater number of devices than with previous generations.

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The consequences of the Canadian government’s ban on Huawei

This announcement is forcing mobile phone operators to upgrade their telecommunications infrastructures, as any equipment manufactured by Huawei will no longer be allowed to be used in Canada. In fact, Minister Champagne has said that those companies that have already installed any of them must remove them as soon as possible.

This is not the first time that the Chinese company has come under attack from a Western country, as in recent years it has been the United States that has singled out Huawei as a threat to national security. President Biden himself signed legislation in November that prevents companies deemed a threat to the country’s security from receiving a new telecommunications equipment license.