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China is imposing sanctions on the British

China is imposing sanctions on the British

CHina has now imposed sanctions on British MPs and organizations. Nine victims and four organizations had spread “malicious lies and misinformation” about their dealings with Chinese Uighurs, and the Foreign Ministry justified the move in Beijing on Friday. Permitted persons will no longer be allowed to enter China, and their property there will be frozen. Chinese citizens and companies are prohibited from cooperating with them.

The State Department has said the United Kingdom has imposed sanctions on Chinese individuals and organizations “unilaterally” associated with so-called human rights issues in Xinjiang. British actions led to a “serious” weakening of mutual relations. Great Britain should no longer follow this “wrong path”.

Those affected by the sanctions include former Tory leader Ian Duncan Smith, Tom Dujentad, chairman of the UK Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs, and academic Joe Smith Finley. The Tory Human Rights Commission and the party’s Chinese research team dealing with China’s problems in particular were also punished.

The United Kingdom, the European Union, Canada and the United States this week imposed sanctions on China for repressing the Uyghur Muslim minority in Xinjiang. Beijing has reacted angrily to the move, calling on ten politicians and scientists and four MEPs to join the EU. Reinhardt imposed sanctions, including on Petticofer (Greens).

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