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China urges US to repeal tax

China urges US to repeal tax

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – China has called on the United States to cancel tariffs during talks between trade officials from the two countries, which Washington has seen as a test of bilateral engagement between the world’s top two economies.

Discussions were held between US Trade Representative Catherine Tai and Chinese Deputy Prime Minister Liu He.

“China has been negotiating the abolition of tariffs and sanctions and has clarified its position on its economic growth and industrial policies,” the Chinese state news agency Xinhua said.

An official from the U.S. Trade Representative’s Office said Catherine’s mother wanted to use the call to see if the bilateral engagement could resolve U.S. grievances over Beijing’s trade and grant practices. (USTR).

“Ambassador Tai and Deputy Prime Minister Liu Hee reviewed the implementation of the economic and trade agreement between the United States and China, and both sides agreed to consult on some pending issues.”

“Both sides continue to agree to interact with equal attitude and mutual respect and to create conditions for the healthy development of economic and trade relations between the two countries and the recovery of the world economy,” Xinhua said.

(David Lauder and Michael Martina in Washington, Where in Shanghai; French edition by Camille Renat)

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