Directed by Chantal Lamarie, the show will be performed in several cities in Quebec starting in the summer of 2022. The format will explode firmly, while we will see Christian Beguin sing, read scripts, deliver comic monologues and comic subtitles.
8 deadly sins He proposes a celebration and an interrogation There are vices in our lives
By creating it Combines luxury and stealth in a tragicome إطار
, refers to Thursday’s press release.
Laughter, self-mockery are salvation councils, or at least the most terribly effective tools of observing the world, its mistakes, my mistakes first… and laughing at them. Sometimes, so that we cry … and sometimes also by slyly drawing us into the heart of the most confrontational, necessary and delicious annoyance …
The idea of the eight sins entered the Christian lexicon as early as the fourth century. The list was reduced to seven by medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas, who identified them as: pride, gluttony, sloth, lust, greed, anger, and envy.
Christian Begin said Thursday on Facebook that he invented an eighth sin for the needs of his show, a call to conversation
. A review and self-criticism about a changing world and a man who somehow wants to follow the disc
, he is writing.
The tour will begin on August 27, 2022 in LaSalle. The media premieres will take place at Théâtre Outremont, in Montreal, (October 19, 20 and 21), and then at Salle Albert-Rousseau, in Quebec City (October 25).
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