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Cinema: At the end of the panels in favor of a giant screen

Cinema: At the end of the panels in favor of a giant screen

Cinema session with Unilumin signed screen.

© Unilumin

On June 26, at the Xinjiekou International Cinema in Nanjing Deji Plaza in China, Unilumin presented what could be the future of cinema. This is a giant LED screen designed to completely replace traditional cinema broadcasting. Audiences were able to discover The Royal Cat on a screen measuring approximately 20 x 11 meters.

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Towards more immersive cinematic sessions than ever before…

The main advantage of such a system is, unsurprisingly, better picture quality. Contrast ratio, brightness, color rendering and even overall fluidity are more faithful to reality. In addition, by removing the booth needed for a traditional projection system, the cinema can install additional seats.

Soon the end of the boards for multiple advantages?

Soon the end of the boards for multiple advantages?

© Unilumin

Until now, the main hurdle to adopting such a system (aside from cost) has been sound. Using a screen rather than a perforated fabric, it is impossible to properly transmit sound from behind the screen. But here Unilumin offers a system with small holes to allow sound to pass through.

Cost issue

However, the question remains about the cost that all these risks may entail for users. Indeed, between the purchase of equipment, the work required and the best visual quality offered, there is no doubt that theaters will ask their customers to put their hands in their pockets. Today, additional costs are already being claimed for attending sessions in which advanced technologies are used. It remains to be seen whether demand will follow supply, in a context where cinema remains an increasingly expensive leisure activity.

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