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Claude Monnier opens up about his relationship with Serge Tyrault

Claude Monnier opens up about his relationship with Serge Tyrault

Claude Monnier recently captured in Sophia from the rock And the Richard Martino As part of a podcast episode Appetizing spicy. He talked about his relationship with his friend and colleague, Serge Thriault.

The actor made sure to mention to his interlocutors that he never supported the film outside serge outside.

“I missed him for a long time”

without being fake [le documentaire] It represents only 5% of the pie. Serge’s case is much more complicated than that. […] I miss Serge. I’ve missed him for a long time. We missed him, even if we were by his side because Serge was already isolated, in his head and his problems ‘,” said Claude Monnier.

It’s not that I didn’t like him [le film], but it was incomplete. It was pretending to present it as a portrait of Serge or a portrait of Serge’s country, when in fact it is much more complicated than that. The biggest criticism for me is the ending of the movie and it’s totally wrong. He went to treatment, but it did not last “, he added.

Remember that Serge Thériault is currently going through very difficult times. For six years, he did not leave his home due to a severe depression. In order to help him, his wife, Anna Swazo I decided to make a documentary called outside serge outside.

In an interview with Jean-Marie Labpointe, Ms. Soazo shared: “ People who do not know true love and magnanimity do not see the true beauty in life. I accepted, because I hope Serge will come back to us. There are so many bad comments about Serge’s depression, it’s sad and sad. I know I am doing this out of love and with all my heart for the great purpose of helping. Serge gave me the most beautiful thing in life: my daughter. I can’t let him go, let him fall, when he gave me the strength to go on living “.

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Let’s remember more of that in the movie, that Anna was accompanied by Melina Tyrault (his daughter) plus two friends, Robert And the Goland Racecott. The four appear in the documentary, as they were Serge’s greatest lieutenants since his dark reign began.

In the overwhelming trailer, Suazo expresses himself with impressive control of his emotions: Serge, it will hurt you when you watch this movie. I’m doing this to help you and out of love too “.

Then she later shared a bit of the conversation she had with the actor: “ He said to me, “Anna, what do you want me to do? I don’t have the energy to work, I don’t feel like showing myself in public, in front of people.” […] There’s something inside me that’s stopping me, and it’s not letting me do that.” “.

Anna’s impressive and moving courage touches us deeply. Not only does she give up, but she takes incredible measures to help the man in her life. Although the project was specifically designed as a way to support the star, the film will undoubtedly bring Quebecers a great comfort, like a balm to our hearts. A work that we hope will open the eyes of many and raise awareness of the situation.

Depression should not be taken lightly. If you or a loved one has the disease, feel free to talk about it.
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