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Coincidentally Santa Claus, Santander mistakenly distributed 130 130 million

Coincidentally Santa Claus, Santander mistakenly distributed 130 130 million

She would have done well with these New Year’s gifts: the British subsidiary of the Spanish bank Santander misappropriated 130 130 million (over மில்லியன் 150 million) on Christmas Day.

On December 25, due to a “technical problem”, the bank reported in a statement to the AFP on Thursday that 75,000 payments made by about 2,000 professional customers of the bank had been copied into their customers ‘accounts, which confirmed The Times’ report.

Duplicate transactions were debited directly from the bank’s cash register, and Santander promised that “no customer would ever pay out of pocket,” noting that he was “working with several banks across the UK” to recover the “relevant amounts”.

Beneficiaries of the transfers may include employees or suppliers of some of the Santander client companies – so they were paid a couple of times.

According to The Times, the money was transferred to accounts in several UK banks. The newspaper reported that one of these companies had told the account holder that it would be reluctant to recover the money if it paid too much.

Santander said he had “quickly identified and fixed a planning problem in the form of erroneous payments” and that he had opened a “bank error recovery procedure” with beneficiary banks.

Santander Bank’s UK branch has 14 million customers and net profit of £ 1 billion in the first nine months of 2021.

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