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Contribution of the litigation du forum.

Contribution of the litigation du forum.

I. considerations Generals.

after the election departmentsAnd the Municipal and legislativeAnd the actorss . policies condemnsChasing dialogue to calm the political space. everybodyHe is the living forces of a nationcondemns Municipality and reconfirm they. municipality same country and for the same people after they differences.

In this Effect, The Forum du Justiciable provides an opportunity to discuss the relaxation of political space. this is can relax achieved through several Initiatives already recommended, in particular the revision of Articles L31 and L32 of the Electoral Code and the adoption of an amnesty law.

Litigants forum, without exception, offers the other option Contribution to the possible adopt a lawPardon, the content of the following.

II. on meopen decorations law Project.

The focus should be on The Relaxing the political scene World Health Organization that it The method adopted by democratic governments to allow the nationAeon to overcome his splits and From turn around Towards the future of republican law.

III. Drafting suggestionand thestatement of reasons.

Senegalese politicians have always preferred debate.Not for consolidation of social peace, Solve polite challengesEmerging and recurring ticks. TheHe is the first president of Leopold Sedar Senghor, Senegal is described as The country of dialogue.” The generation of the sixties established dialogue as a national political culture and the post-1990 generation for him Follow this by organizing Disputes policies and electoralusing the same method.

At the end of the presidential election in February 2019, With the aim of calming and facilitating the political space, a national dialogue was launched on May 28, 2019 for Reaching consensus on the main problems of Senegal.

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try this appease From the political scene Create conditions for reconciliation andnational rehabilitation Which will allow, through the adoption of an amnesty law, the reintegration into political life For some Senegalese citizens.

the fruit of an ancient tradition, Forgiveness erases legal consequencescs from violating the law. It is a well-known practice in the political history of Senegal. “ As President Senghor did on political crimes and misdemeanours, President Diouf spoke of events known as from Casamance President Wade on all political crimes committed between 1983 and 2004 in connection with the elections (Azan Law)..

The can the legislator thenfor a purpose relaxation politics or socialeremove any criminal character from certain criminally reprehensible facts, by prohibiting any prosecution of them or by erasing convictions which hit; he is Then it is up to him to decide what the crimes are and, where appropriate, who the benefit of the pardon should apply to; The principle of equality does not preclude defining the scope of the amnesty in this way, provided that the categories chosen are objectively determined.

planned amnesty Through this projectBased on Product CodeAll the effects resulting from the idea of ​​forgetting and thus creation u termsreconciliation and rehaNational rehabilitation that allows reintegration into political and social lifeall people benefit from thisoh whoamnesty, will confirm the will of the public authorities to continue to strengthen in Senegal epracticing democracy inlonlinessnational or in diversity Of the free opinions of Senegalese citizens.

This is the billing scheme.

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IFifth. on me content fromes Elements.

The project of the law may include Six (6) elements.

Elements 1 and 2 : Determine the two articles pardon due to nature the crime or the circumstances in which it was committed.

Articles 3 and 4: both elements The effects of amnesty.

Item 5: This article authorizes amnesty disputes.

Article 6: This article gives the right to review the trial.

V. Suggested Drafting of Articles.

Article one. she’s sorryes of Fill Correctional Offenses Committed Between January 1, 2002 Act and March 25, 2012 stipulated in Article 163 bis of the penal code Fertilization suppression illegal.

Section 2. she’s sorryes of The full right to correctional crimes committed between the first January 2011 and the December 31, 2015 set out in Article 5, 135, 136, 137, 153, 154 Suppression of forgery, use of forgery in commercial writing, forgery, use of forgery of administrative documents and fraud of public money.

Section 3. Amnesties of a crime that ensuesAnd the without it Not maybe mebut lead to compensation, discount tThe sum of all sorrowsaccessories and supplements as well as the disappearance of allances, exceptions, deficitss and deprivation attached rightsebarely.

Article – Commodity 4. It is prohibited for any person who became aware of it in the exercise of his functions to retrieve in any way or leave its content in any document whatsoever, criminal convictions, disciplinary or professional penalties and judgments.Nozzles erased by amnesty.

However, minutes of judgments or judgments, decrees, orders and decisionssions taken under fGeneral anointing or national ordinances escape this prohibition when they are deposited in the clerks or in the to meNational Archives.

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Article – Commodity 5. The competent Indictment Chamber considers disputes related to the application of this amnesty law in accordance with the conditions stipulated in Articles 727, paragraph 2 and 735 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

Section 6. The pardon does not preclude a review before any competent judicial authority in order to establish the innocence of the person convicted.

Made in DakarAnd the August 19, 2022