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CPAM inaugurated the new reception area in Voiron

CPAM inaugurated the new reception area in Voiron

a ” Modern reception, better adapted to the needs [des] public »? This is how CPAM in Isère presents the new building of its agency in Voiron, which was officially inaugurated on Monday 16 May in the presence of the mayor of the municipality Julien Polat in particular and the deputy of the 9th district Isère Élodie Jacquier-Forge. Delayed opening, as the agency has been open to the public since March 7, 2022.

Francis Orosco (Chairman of the Council of CPAM Isère), Julien Polat (Mayor of Voiron), Elodie Jacquier Laforge (MP of Isère) and Helen Cardinale (Director of CPAM Isère) inaugurated the new building for Assurance- Illness.  © CPAM from Isère

Francis Orosco (Chairman of the Council of CPAM Isère), Julien Polat (Mayor of Voiron), Elodie Jacquier Laforge (MP of Isère) and Helen Cardinale (Director of CPAM Isère) inaugurated the new building for Assurance- Illness. © CPAM from Isère

Formerly located on Rue Racine, this for nearly sixty years has been joined by CPAM from Voiron to the Ceve space, in the Becquart-Castelbon track, renting part of the third floor. old building no longer suitable for The needs of document holders and staff, in terms of space and organization of reception, [et] put up for sale “,” explains CPAM from Isère.

Of the 165 square meters of the new agency, 128 are set aside to welcome the public. With many subspaces: space ” self service where users perform their actions independence »About the tools available, the advice space where policyholders can be received by appointment, and the workshop space dedicated to « Documentation campaign in difficulty with digital [pour] Support them in their use of the Online Services “.

CPAM de Voiron self-service area.  © CPAM

CPAM de Voiron self-service area. © CPAM

Thus CPAM emphasizes a strategy that focuses primarily on the dematerialization of services. Where is the physical reception” Designed as a premium service “.” Reception network usage decreased by 63% between 2020 and 2021, while usage of the Ameli account used by 78% of our policyholders increased dramatically “, justified. In the second half of 2021, the Voiron agency already received 8,250 policyholders. A number decreased by 14% compared to 2019.

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A strategy present throughout the province of Isère, with an alleged budget of 1.8 million euros for ” Renovation or relocation of major reception sites from Medicare. The respective sites in addition to the Voiron site? Grenoble, where the new Allied reception was opened at the end of March 2022. Velfontein, whose new headquarters is scheduled to open on June 13. and Vienna, with a building renovation planned for 2024.