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Critics of private schools seem crazy

Critics of private schools seem crazy

Beautiful research journalism from Marie Lawrence Delaney from Newspaper. Search and find information that right-thinking society would rather not know.

The summary of his investigation: Private schools give priority to air conditioning their students’ classrooms, and public schools give priority to air conditioning administrators’ offices. The numbers are not ambiguous at all.

60% of public schools invest in air conditioning in administrative offices, compared to only 5% in the private sector. Only 17% of public schools prioritized air conditioning in classrooms. In the private sector, 57% of classrooms are air-conditioned.

Yes! Private schools, which some like to call elitist, focus on the well-being of students. The public, presented as truly serving the people, depends primarily on the comfort of its superiors.

Priority question

Can we imagine that if a student is placed at the center of priorities in the private sector in terms of accommodation, that the same student also finds himself at the center of priorities in other aspects of school life? This is what drives middle-class parents to make sacrifices, as they feel that because we pay, we have the right to demand quality service.

By the way, what a private school does first is a natural and logical choice. Late in the afternoon on a hot June day, the heat and humidity (and perhaps the smells) aren't going to be as bad in a one-person office as they are in a classroom of 25 teenagers. Human logic dictates that the group's buildings be air-conditioned as a priority.

Institutional logic also wants us to return to the question: School exists for whom? For students or employees? However, in public networks, such as health and education, this institutional logic has been reversed. Given union power relations, institutions exist first and foremost for their employees.

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Read the collective agreements, take a look at the rules and restrictions, customers come second. The user has no power relationship, he is a number in the system. His fate is tied to the machine's good faith and he relies on the hope of finding a dedicated employee.

Improving public schools

Let me be clear, I am not happy with the poor choices made by public schools. Quebec needs stronger, better-equipped public schools capable of offering a variety of specific programs to as many children as possible.

I will applaud any government that invests heavily in equipping our public schools with gymnasiums, art rooms, and well-equipped buildings. And let us do our best in deprived neighborhoods to prove to young people that society believes in education.

I just want to remind you how ridiculous it is to think that we will improve public schools by reducing the number of private schools.

He asserted that those who formed human chains for the benefit of public schools…unknowingly demanded money to furnish their bosses' offices.