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Darwin cultural space anchored by the environmental town hall

Darwin cultural space anchored by the environmental town hall

Anchored in a former military barracks, the symbolic space on the right bank was initially demolished as part of its enclosures.

Le Figaro Bordeaux

It is a place well known to the people of Bordeaux, whose future is finally secured, after six years of suspense. a land “environmental systemDarwin, a symbolic cultural and ceremonial space on the Right Bank, is to be taken over by the venue and Bordeaux cityCollaborative spirit“in order to guarantee”For joint management of this property“all in”Leave the associations tapped“.

The resolution was adopted unanimously. This Tuesday, the Bordeaux City Council registered the creation of a Community Interest Cooperative (SCIC) to purchase and manage the Darwin Barns, many of which have been installed. related to (particularly the ski club La Brigade and bric-à-brac Emmaüs).

Darwin is an ecosystem“living”Within a larger and larger ecosystem which is called the city of BordeauxSays the Mayor of the Environment, Pierre Hormec. The existing hangars are located in a coordinated development area (ZAC), and were initially slated for destruction, in particular to allow for the construction of new housing.

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Prefer rehabilitation over demolition

The city of Bordeaux will contribute 1.055 million euros to allow the purchase of half of the land for these two blocks. The same amount will be paid by the Darwin Real Estate Partnership. Emphasis on the rolesubscriber“Of these spaces, the city of Bordeaux and Darwin”eager to preserve itHowever, the town hall determines that in the event that the sheds of co-operative societies continue,Unbuilt social housing is transferred to the rest of the ZAC“.

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Pierre Hermec also recalls that Darwin’s space is “It is not only a major living space for the city and the capitalbut he also participatesto influence our landsHe points out that the establishment of the Supreme Council for Industrial Culture is in accordance with the policy pursued by the municipality: “Don’t demolish the respect already there“, And the “They always prefer rehabilitation over demolition“.